Chapter 13

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Mike kissed Mercedes. "You'll do great."

"Thank you." She burrowed into his chest. "I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks."

"We haven't spend much time together in a while. How about I take you out tomorrow night?"

She moved within his arms. "I'd like that. I might need it if they say they don't like me."

"Of course they'll like you. They'll love you. They won't be able to help it."

She lit up. "Thank you, Mikey."

"You're welcome, Mercy."

"I want to tell you I heard from Aaron today." She looked up at him.

He looked down. "And what does ButtFace want?"

She giggled. "He wanted to wish me luck."

He humphed.

She giggled. "I heard from Sam, too."

"All of them, eh?"

"There are no more. Maybe Finn? I don't know. They just wished me good luck."

"You have so many people supporting you. There's no way you can lose."


"They're so cute, it's disgusting." Santana said to Quinn.

Who smirked. "They're adorable!"

"Can't nobody stand them!"

Mike's lips twitched. "We can hear you!"

"Good! Take that cutesy crap and shove it!"

"Nobody talks about you and Artie!" Mercedes glared.

"We're not cute! We're hot!"

Quinn fell out laughing. "So hot that we've missed seeing it? You know you're both so busy now."

"I know!" Santana groaned. "I don't get to see my man! That's no bueno!"

"He's got tomorrow off. So do you. Spend the day together." Mercedes suggested.

"We might have to. Stay up in his room all day until he can't speak anything but Spanish."

Mike blushed but he was far from embarrassed. "He'll like that."

Santana picked up her coffee mug and hid a smirk behind it. "He better."


David bounced his leg. "What if they don't like the songs?"

Florera put a hand on his arm. "They will. Mercy has a beautiful voice and we were great at the instrumentals."

"And if they say no, that's not the end of the world." Ringo added.

"That's right!" Puck pulled Mercedes into his lap and hugged her. "If they say no, we can just go to another record label."

David took deep breaths. "Okay, I'm calm."

"Do you want a Vallum?" Mercedes asked.

"You have a prescription for Vallum?"

"Marcy does. She gave me a couple because I was freaking out earlier."

David held his hand out. "Yeah, I'll take one."

Mercedes went through her purse for the pill and handed it over.

David took it and asked the receptionist for a bottle of water. When she gave it to him, he took the pill and came back to sit down. "I hope it works."

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