Chapter 33

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"I'm so late!" Mercedes sped into the kitchen.

"I know." Santana snarled. "We don't eat."

Mercedes stuck her tongue out. "You could make something yourself!"

Santana and Quinn looked at each other before facing her. "Uh- no!"

She gave them a flat look. "Well we're going to have to skip breakfast today!"

Santana scoffed in hurt even as Quinn shook her blonde head. "No. No way. My nephews need to eat."


"No!" Quinn went to the refrigerator and pulled out an apple and orange. "Fill your water-bottle."

"So bossy!" Mercedes huffed as she followed demands.

Quinn didn't care. "Let Tana drive and eat."

"I don't need anybody driving my car-"

"Better yet, let Puck. He never gets to drive anymore."

"Let him drive your car!"

"Don't be like Marc, Mikey and Marcy. Let someone drive your precious baby."

"Let him drive your car."

"I will! But you're letting him drive today. Tell him, Tana." Quinn finished putting mixed nuts into a small baggie.

"What am I gon eat?!" Santana sniped.

"I don't care! Just make sure Mercy eats!"

Santana glowered at her. "Fine! We're stopping at a cafe on the way there!"

"Good. Make Mercy get a pastry."

"Come on, Aretha!" Santana snatched up her purse and bags.

Mercedes sighed as Quinn packed her school bag with the fruit and nuts. "Thank you, Sissy."

"You're welcome. Have a good day." Quinn checked the time and decided to go somewhere for breakfast herself.

"Kiss Riley for me until I get back."

"If I get to get in today."

"Okay, bye!" Mercedes didn't hear her as she hurried after Santana.

Quinn filled her water-bottle with their special elixir and grabbed her things on the way out the door. Luckily, she'd already fed Ozzie and Fluffy. She went to the garage and got in her car.

She put on her seatbelt as she turned it on. Fixing her rearview mirror, she checked her makeup before making sure she had the station she wanted. She threw the PT Cruiser in gear and drove out of the space onto the street.

She made a right and drove down the street. She made a left and stopped in front of a cafe. She grabbed her coat (that she hadn't pulled on yet) and her purse before getting out. She went inside, bundling up into the heavy winter garb.

She ordered a large coffee and an Italian pastry to go while texting. She texted Marcy good morning and asked about the baby then she texted London about how it was going, trying to find a new flat.

Her order was up and she collected it before leaving. She got in her car and buckled up again as her phone rang. "Hey, Lond."

"It's so hard!" Were the first words out of London's mouth.

"You're not going to get everything you want without compromising." Quinn repeated what she'd already texted.

"I don't compromise!" London said the word like it was a disease.

"Lond, stop it." Quinn was horrified to realize she sounded like Mercedes and Natalia. "Look, I have to go to class. I'm sure you have to go to work. The studio probably wants you there at a set time."

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