Chapter 25

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Quinn yawned. "Why didn't we leave last night?"

"Because we planned this months ago and we're taking a private plane." Mercedes reminded her.

"Right! That means we could've left any time we chose! Why are we up ‪at four AM‬?!"

Mercedes giggled. "It's six."

Quinn pursed her lips. "Fine! It's six! Still way too early to be getting on a plane."

"Girl, come on here!" Mercedes taped a note to Santana's door before going to the bathroom and taping another to the mirror. She came from the bathroom and picked up her bags.

Quinn followed behind with her own luggage. They were only staying with their parents for the weekend but of course in Quinn fashion, she had way too many bags. "I'm boycotting this."

"Hush!" Mercedes led the way downstairs and out the door.

Quinn locked it behind them then leaned against it. "The taxi's not even here yet."

"I know but Marcy will leave us as soon as it comes if we're not down here."

"I resent that." Marcy griped.

Both turned. She was sitting on the stairs with Mickey in her lap and bags around her feet. "Marcy!"

"I would not leave you." She grumped.

Mercedes went to her and made kissy faces. "I'm sorry. You wouldn't leave us."

"I wouldn't." She sniffed.

"Yes, you would." Quinn sat next to her.

Marcy hit her. "I don't want you anywhere near me this weekend."

Quinn laid her head on her shoulder. "Love you."

"Get off me."

"But I love you."

"I don't like you."

"I love you."

"No, you don't. You love you."

Quinn scoffed in offense.

Mercedes laughed. "You do love you!"

Quinn pouted. "Wake up, Mal! Your sister's being mean to me!"

Mal, who was sitting behind Marcy with Mally on his lap, stirred. "Shut up, Q. I'm trying to sleep."

She hit his leg. "Wake up!"

"Leave me alone!" He kicked at her.

"Don't kick me!" She hit him again.

"Fighting already?" Mike called out as he walked down the stairs.

"Your brother is a menace!"

"Your sister's about to get suckerpunched." Mal snapped, his eyes still closed.

Mike laughed. "So we're starting this morning off with violence?"

"Ignore them." Mercedes waited for him to clear the last step before pulling him down by his coat and kissing him. "Good morning."

"Morning, babe."

"How'd you sleep?"

"Not as good as when I'm with you."


He chuckled. "Don't sound so broken up about it."

She shrugged lightly.

"You're so cute." Marcy said.

They turned in surprise. "You're mocking us."


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