Chapter 19

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Artie liked driving to work. He'd had his parents send his van over so he wouldn't have to ask Mike to drive him everywhere. It worked pretty well and when he had time, he took drives around the neighborhood.

But his favorite thing was the drive to work. He had work in the mornings and classes in the afternoons and he took the scenic route to work every morning.

He'd come to know some people in the neighborhood and he'd wave to them from his window or speak if there wasn't much traffic. Then he'd drive down streets that were long and winding.

He liked looking at the many businesses in the neighborhood that slowly gave way to homes. He enjoyed the anesthetics of the homes as he eventually made it to the San Loren district.

He'd see all the other businesses on "Main Street" and drive to the big whitewashed brick building. He'd find a parking spot, get out and wheel to the ramp that led to the front door.

He'd go inside and swipe his ID then go up to the fourth floor, where his desk was. He'd go to his desk and put his stuff down before going to the break room for coffee.

He'd line his thighs with napkins and set the cup between his legs before wheeling back to his desk. Then he'd put away his things and start up his computer. As he waited for it to boot up, he'd look around the office and notice all the people doing the same exact thing he was.

That made him feel good. He was part of a machine. A well oiled, much needed machine.

When his computer was up, he'd type in his username and password then check his email. It always had something waiting for him.

He'd finish his coffee by the time he responded (or made notes) to the emails. By that time, Donatello would have sent him a list of things to do for the day and he'd get right on that.

Today, Donatello's list simply said, "Come see me". Artie didn't know if that was good or bad. He rolled backwards then around the desk to go to Donatello's office door and knocked.


Artie opened the door then wheeled inside before shutting the door. "You wanted me to come see you?"

"Yes." Donatello removed his glasses and rubbed his temples. "I need two things from you. Not to put a fine point on it but they could make or break your career."

Artie gulped. "Yes?"

"The first is a film festival in January. The Leaves will be featured and I want you to go to accept any awards it wins for production."

Artie's brows rose. "Really?"

"Yes. It's in Nice and it's a week long."

"Nice?" Artie was confused.

"Nice, France."

Artie could have been knocked over with a feather. "You want me to go to France?"

"Yes. None of the board can make it so I volunteered you to go. Is that a problem?"

Artie, still in shock, shook his head. "No."

"Good. The second is a golden opportunity that we don't hand out here much at Orangutan. But it was a request. Word of mouth as it were for the work you did on Innes."

Artie remembered that movie. It was his first one. "Isn't it still in production?"

"Yes but other execs have seen what we have so far and wanted to know who helped me. They like your work."


"So they want you as senior director on a new project. It's still being developed, the script that is, but this is a big opportunity. What do you say?"

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