Chapter 51

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"I'm really excited for you, Twin." Karou sipped her tea.

"Why?" Marcy bit into a triangle sandwich.

"This is your first show back since getting pregnant."

"Pregnant with Rye. Because of these three inside me now, it's my last for another year."

"Oh, sweetie." Mercedes rubbed her arm. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault that I'll probably never dance again."

"You stop that." Judy wagged a finger. "You will dance again. You are just having your children right now. When you settle down, you'll have your pick of jobs."

"Mal's getting snipped!"

Rose gasped as Santana, Karou and Quinn laughed. "You don't mean that!"

"Either he'll get it done in a doctor's office with anesthesia or in the middle of the night with a switchblade."

Santana almost slid off her chair laughing.

"Marcy, stop this!" Rose scolded.

"I hate being pregnant!" Marcy bit off. "Worst thing ever!"

"You're just having a difficult time." Judy told her. "Once you look into those babies' eyes, you'll fall in love."

"I thought so the last time and I ended up with the screamer."

"What if my babies scream?" Mercedes bit her lip in fear.

"What if my baby screams?" Quinn didn't think that part through.

"Your baby? Beth?" Judy was confused.

Quinn smiled and looked at her sisters. "Puck and I are trying. To have a baby."

Rose's, Judy's, Santana's, Natalia's, London's, Paris' and Karou's jaws dropped as Laura, Mercedes, Marcy and Yuria smiled.

"I know you probably don't think this is a good idea but we're ready for this and-"

Judy cut Quinn off with a hug. A deep, emotional hug that left the younger blonde confused and out of her depth. "I'm so happy for you, honey."

"You are?" Quinn was surprised.

"We wanted you to keep Beth." Rose hugged her next.

"Even though I disappointed everyone?"

"We disappointed you." Judy said. "We should have stood with you from the first moment but we didn't and that rests with me and Russell but we're going to be here for you this time. Any time Laura and Marc don't need me, I'm going to be right here, with you."

Quinn wiped away tears. "Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome, honey."


"What do you have to do today?" Quinn asked.

"Nothing." Mercedes shook the pan. "You?"

"Nothing. I've done as many ads as I can do right now. I'm all over the place. No one wants me right now." Quinn sighed.

"I know how that goes. I think they might be sick of all Fabangeses right now."

"What are we supposed to do?"

"I don't know. I can't even depend on the label because we have downtime until award season. I'm super bored."

"At least you'll have the twins soon. I'm not even pregnant yet."

Mercedes slid the meat onto a towel lined plate. "I bet you're having fun getting that way."

Quinn smiled but it quickly turned into a smirk. "Maybe?"

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