Chapter 58

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Mercedes hit Mike with a pillow.

"Ow..." He hadn't expected that.

"Why didn't you tell nobody Mal went home?!"

"I did! Just now!"

"When he went home!"

"Because I wasn't sure if they'd make up or not but he didn't call or anything so I assume it went well."

"You make me sick." She threw back the covers and climbed out of the bed.

"Mercy..." He sulked.

"Don't talk to me!" She waddled out.

He waited a minute before following. He caught up to her as she woke up Quinn. The blonde was screaming bloody murder. "Great..."

"How do you know?!" Quinn hugged Mercedes.

"Mikey just told me but he's known since last night." The brown eyed Leo side-eyed her fiancé.

Quinn turned a glare on her brother. "What's wrong with you?!"

"Maybe they want privacy?" Mike brought up dryly.

"Then their love affair shouldn't have been public."

"Oh my-! Quinn!"

Quinn threw her covers back, hitting a dazed Puck in the face. She scooted to the edge of her bed and slipped out. "We have to get up there before they're fighting again."

"Agreed." Mercedes nodded once. "Let's go!"

The girls shuffled out.

Mike slid Puck a bitter look. "You could have helped me."

Puck yawned. "Man, I'm still sleep."


Mercedes and Quinn made it to their younger siblings' home and barged in. They headed straight for the kitchen. "You are here!"

Mal blinked. "Uh... yeah."

"You came home." Both began crying.

"Yup." Why was his sisters so weird?

Marc went to them and hugged them. "I know. Pipsqueak could be happy he's home."

"I am happy!" Mal snapped.

"Then act like it, maggot!"

"Leave him alone." Marcy walked in.

Marc groused as Mercedes and Quinn ran to envelope her in a hug. "Why do you have to be on his side?!"

"Why do you take up for Laura?"

"Marcy?!" Laura gasped.

"It's the same thing."

"Well!" Marc didn't know what to say. "I guess I'll leave the little termite alone."

"Not for long. I know you, banana boat."

"You're light skinned, too!"

"Shut up, Sunshine!"

Mal snickered.

Marc glared at him.

Mercedes squeezed Marcy. "Stop fighting. Your babies will turn out mean."

"They're already bad." Marcy leveled a look on the twins, who pouted.

"Can we go play, Mommy?" They sulked.

"Yes. Pick out toys so we can take them to work with us."

They ran out.

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