New York. The Big Apple. Get your name in the news and bam your famous, that's the best thing about New York ain't it?
Unless you're me..
The infamous Kris White. I was 13 when I was tossed onto the streets by my awful parents. I was abused and beaten through my previous years of living with these pathetic excuses of parents I had. While on the streets, I got caught and spent a year and a half in an orphanage down in Queens. It was here where I learned to defend myself, fight, and steal. Soon enough, reporters were lined up outside wanting to interview the staff about the "rebellious runaway". I had major street cred here in the orphanage and Queens. I had a few friends, but most people never challenged me, but of course I gave a handful of soakins while ise was in here.
News spread quickly, I was portrayed as a violent, spontaneous, cold hearted rebel. I had no reason to show my "soft" side. I loved the ocean, long walks, sunsets and rises. I was once a girl who believed in love and hope, but that side of me has been locked away where no one will see. Little did I know that just about all of New York new my name. Especially the newsies..
"Ight ladies, youse all know the plan" they all nodded. Tonight was the night. The night my gang and I made a break for it. The night where we reclaim our freedom, our dignity, our lives.At exactly 3am the guards switch. Leaving the gates unattended for 30 seconds before the next batch of guards come around the corner. We were ready.
"GUARDS AFTER THEM" the headmistress screeched. We all bolted into what was the quiet streets of Queens. My girls and I finally lost the scabbers and collapsed in exhaustion."Wese camp here for tonight and break at dawn. We can't risk being caught. Meet on the Brooklyn Bridge in a week at midnight" I instructed. We all agreed and spit shook and eventually drifted into slumber.
I felt the warmth of the sun tickle my face. My eyes fluttered open to see the sun peaking over the horizon of buildings. I woke the rest of the group and we all split. We all decided to go to different boroughs, I ended up with 'hattan.I strolled around the streets of Manhattan until I ran into two boys. Two very tall, and ugly boys. "Aye miss, what's a pretty lady like youse doin out so early?" one smirked. "Yea, why don't youse come back with us?" the other said. I politely declined and tried to walk away, but a sweaty, meaty hand grabbed my wrist. "I insist" one said.
I yanked my wrist out of their grasp, "damn youse really don't know how to take a fuckin hint do you?" And just like that I rammed my fist into one of their faces. Soon enough they were both lunging at me when all of a sudden a mysterious boy comes and soaks one while I took out the other.
"Damn Delancy Brothers" the brunette muttered. He then glanced my way and introduced himself.
"Name's Racetrack. Youse new round here?"
"Kris, and yea, I guess youse can say that"
"Aw shit! Are you THE Kris White of Queens?!"
"Erm.. yea.."
"Well come on then. Looks like youse ain't got much. How bout we turn you into a newsie? We can hide you and have youse as a boy"
"Seems to be the best choice right now.."
In a flash we were gone. Race has lead me to the lodging house where he and his fellow newsies live. We stopped outside the building and took a pause to look.
"Youse ready Kris?"
"Never was, never will be. But sometimes youse gotta chuck it in the fuck it bucket"
"You really are an enigma Kris"
Damn. Damn. It's happening. Aw shit. What if they don't like. What if they they tell the world ise a goil (it's supposed to say girl I'm shit at accents sorry). Constant worries kept racing my mind when my thoughts were interrupted.
"Ight right through here Kris"
I looked up to see Race holding the door. We entered the room and all went silent. A room filled with bunk beds and mirrors with sinks inhabited by a large group of boys.
"Aye race whose the goil?"
"What's a beaut like her doin with youse!"
A loud, masculine voice cut through the numerous murmurs and questions.
"Aye Jack, this is THE Kris White of Queens. She wants to get a fresh start on life and Ise think she'd be a fine addition to the 'Hattan newsies"
"Hand me a coin"
"Toss me a coin youse deaf or sum?"
Race track tosses this so called Jack a penny. Jack grabs it, "heads she stays tails she goes" he tossed the coin and slapped it on his hand and looked at me. My heart stopped..
Keep going
Almost there
"Welcome to the newsies Kris"
Loud cheers and whoops erupted from the fellow newsies behind us. Would you look at that. I'm finally included in a family for once.

The Runaway (Spot Conlon x OC)
FanfictionWhat happens when the King of Brooklyn meets a smart ass newsie and discovers it was a girl undercover. Spot meets Kris, the infamous and notorious rebel from Queens. The girl with a fucked up past and the boy with a fucked up future. Two broken so...