Chapter 3

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It's currently 11:45 pm and all the boys are asleep. I crept out the fire escape as quietly as possible. Once I touched the ground I booked it to Brooklyn.

I neared the Bridge and saw people sitting on the ledge, I came closer to look at who it was. I accidentally crunched on a leaf with my foot and they all jumped off and aimed weapons at me. 

"Oh shit.." is all I could say. I lifted my hands up and removed my newsies cap letting my hair unravel to its full length. I heard a few sighs and saw them lower their weapons.

"Holy Fuck! Kris is that youse?!" A familiar voice chimed. I got a little closer to the group. It was MY group. We all immediately ran and hugged each other. We spent the night talking and catching up. Soon enough the sun started peaking over the buildings signaling a new day. We all said our goodbyes and agreed to meet up in another week. Everyone had left, but I decided to stay and watch the sun rise.

It was rare for me to be up this early and to see such a scene. For the next few hours it was me, hair down, on a bridge, watching the peaceful sun rise alone. Or I 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 I was alone.

Little did I know someone was watching me

Spot POV (ouoooo hehehe)
I was restless. I couldn't stop thinking about what that guy, Kris, had said to me. "Think about it". I made it clear I wasn't gonna do this strike, but somehow his words were fucking with my head. I decided to calm down and just go out for some air on a walk.

As I was walking back home towards the dock, I heard someone running. I hid to see who it was and what they were running to/from. It was.. Kris? He was running awfully fast. I decided to trail close behind because he seemed to be in trouble just as I caught up to him had stopped. A group of people were aiming at him. I was about to interfere because it looked like he was bout to get soaked, until he did something. Or should I say her?

He raised his hands and started to slowly remove his cap and- WOAH..
he- he's a her?
I was in utter shock. I sat down for a second dumbfounded by this discovery. Then I realized something. She is the one who ise was talking to at the dock. She confronted me. She had the same witty sarcasm I did. She looked me in the eyes. No ones ever done that, let alone a goil. I looked into hers too. She had big, honey brown- wait. Woah woah woah. Hold u- wai- FIRST OF ALL you don't have time for feelings. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt warmth crawl over my skin. Sunrise.

I peaked back out at the Bridge and she was still there. Her face glew in the suns rays, her hair flew in the wind. Her eyes closed facing the sun. She looked like and angel. I caught myself staring and slapped myself. "Damn it Spot! Get a grip!" I was about to approach her when I heard a sudden scrambling. Kris.

The clock tower struck 4:30 am. She muttered a quick "fuck" and leaped off the bridge. She ran back towards 'hattan in a rush leaving her cap behind..

I ran to grab her hat, but by the time I turned around she was gone...

Heeheh hope you enjoyed my little Cinderella reference :)

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