Chapter 18

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Authors Note: I really thought about having Kris wake up in Santa Fe, but then I realized how unrealistic that would be. So, ignore the horse part of the last chapter and pretend it was like a bike or trolley or something. hehe sorry.

??? POV
I carefully pressed my ear to her chest. There were a heartbeat and shallow breath sounds. I sighed, relieved that this girl was alive. I brought her back to the cabin, hopefully the boys won't be mad at me.

Kris POV

I woke up to the sound of boys clamoring over one another. "Ugh, I thought I told Race and Jack to be quieter in the morning" I mumbled to myself. At that moment, my eyes shot open. A flashback of last night flooded my thoughts. I jumped up and studied my surroundings. I looked down to see my newsies' clothes were replaced by a large white t-shirt and grey cotton pants. Whose clothes am I dressed in? Where am I? Oh shit. Am I dead?

I exited the bedroom and headed towards the sound of people. I turned the corner to see a bunch of boys around my age laughing and playing cards. Once they heard my descent down the stairs, they all went silent and stared at me.

"Where the fuck am I. N who ise youse" I say. My 'Hattan accent popped out thicker since I was nervous, but I didn't want to show weakness or stutter.

Another boy pushed through the crowd. He had brown hair that was parted down the middle and stood around 5'8ft. He wore brown pants, a white button-up, and brown suspenders across his back. "Youse is finally awake. My name is Gio" the boy said as he extended his hand.

His accent. It's not like any north New York accent I've heard. I hesitantly shook his hand. I finally processed what was happening and returned to reality. "Kris. Now care to tell me where Ise is and how I got 'ere?" I questioned.

The boy turned around to the rest of the boys behind him, "leave us" he said. In an instant, the boys filed out of the room to who knows where.

"You're in Jersey, Sweets. New Albany, New Jersey" he said.

My eyes went wide. "Aww shit" was all I could bring myself to mumble. I quickly turned around and started having a mental conversation with myself

Kris's Conscience

This might be the chance to fully start over! Far enough where the Burroughs won't get to me!
But you did love it back in Manhattan
But everything there just reminds me of my past..
What about a future in Brooklyn?!
There's no future for me there..
Spot is..
Shit.. Spot..

I snapped myself out of my haze and turned around to Gio. As if he read my mind, he took my hand, "time to reset your life sweets, welcome to the Albany Newsies" he smirked.

From that day on I became a New Jersey goil. It was better for all of us if they forgot about me. I'm pretty sure they will forget me in a year...

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