Chapter 4

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Kris POV
Aw shit it's 4:30 and the boys wake up at 4:45! If they find out I was out all night they gonna start watching me like I'm a child!

I finally arrived back at the lodging house. I quietly made my way up the fire escape and into the open window I had originally left through. To my relief, the boys were sleeping. I crawled through the window and crept back to my bed to find no one other than Race..


I quickly hushed him before he woke any of the boys. Race was like my brother and best friend. I told him about my past, but more in depth. All the 'Hattan newsies knew I was Kris White from Queens, but no one knew my back story.

I confessed everything I had done and what my past was like. I eventually ended by telling him I had to meet up with my goils to check up on them. He understood and went to go get ready.

I figured I might as well go wash up while the boys are barely waking up. Once I finally changed into some new clothes and did all that hygiene stuff I realized I didn't have my newsies cap. FUCK. I quickly begged Race for one of his which he said yes to and prepared myself. Today was the day we strike.

People were getting soaked left and right. There were so many scabbers everywhere. The Manhattan newsies were barely hanging on when a brisk voice boomed above us.

"Never fear, Brooklyn's 'ere"

I looked up to see spot and the Brooklyn newsies shooting with their sling shots everywhere. I looked at spot and he looked at me. I mouthed a quick "thank you" before I was punched square in the jaw. I stumbled back, "who in the fu-" I looked up to see some scabbers comin at me. I quickly got up, remembering all I had to fight for in the orphanage, I channeled my inner badass self and started to soak them. It left a few shiners on my cheek and arms, but in the end I was the one left standing.

Meanwhile, Spot opened the gates to let the rest of the newsies in. We all cheered "BROOKLYN!" We finally defeated the scabbers and started to throw paper everywhere.

"Boys! Boys! FREEZE FOR THE PICTURE!" Denton screamed

I was dragged into the group photo by a muscular arm that pulled my waist. I look to see it was spot who eventually put his arm around my shoulder and jack on my other side using me like an arm rest. I light blush dusted my cheeks as we all posed for the picture.

"Hey hey hey" Denton said as he lifted a newspaper for all to see. After a few "hey"s responded he set it down by Jack.

"Whatcha got there Jack"

"Where's me picture, where's me picture"!

"Heh, look atcha Jack! Youse look like a gentleman"

"Can youse getch yo fingas off ma face"?

"Where does it say ma name? Where's ma name"

"Wouldcha quit thinking of yourself"

"You got us in the front page!"

"You got yourselves in the front page. Now all I gotta do is make sure you stay there"

***this is gonna continue like the movie and such. Yk, Mush complains, they all quarrel, they sing and dance "I'm the King of New York" and such***

I chuckled to myself as I watched the boys talk and fantasize about being rich and famous when Race came and sat across from me.

"So what'd cha think changed Brooklyn's mind of joining us? After what Jack said it sounded like y'all just stormed off"

I chuckled to myself remembering my encounter with spot. I guess looking someone deep in the eye can getcha places. "Not sure Race, but who ever did must be one hell of a talker to convince Spot" I nonchalantly replied.

"Anyways, how did your meeting go with your gals from Queens? I can't imagine what I'd be like to reunite with the Kris White" he said in hushed voice.

"It was really great. We talked about where we were living in the other Burroughs. I also told them I was undercover as Kris, a newsboy."

Race and I talked for another hour before people started to leave. I was about to get going myself before a piece of paper landed in front of me.

"Youse left your hat on the Bridge the other night. Meet me there at midnight to reclaim it"

Oh shit.. had someone figured out my secret?! Do they know Ise a goil? FUCK! Do they know I'm from Queens? Do they know who I really am?

Great job Kris.

Spot POV
We were all getting hyped about being the front page of the Newspaper when something caught my eye. Race went to go sit by Kris and started having a full on conversation. He must have already known her secret. I couldn't hell but feel something bubble up inside me. What could this feeling be? Confusion? Curiosity? 𝘑𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘺?

Listened into their conversation. Well.. eavesdropped.. this girl gets more and more interesting. I knew he- well she looked familiar.  Her soft brown eyes, her demeanor. I'll be damned. She's just as broken as me. I've fallen for a runaway.. I've fallen for Kris White

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