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More references, people! :)

Japan walked nervously towards Geece's house. It wan odd, because he hardly ever gets nervous. At least he had an excuse, though. It was his first date, EVER. Which was sadly a very long time for him, but he was not going to go into that.
He knocked on the door. Greece answered almost immediately, his cat army meowing and rubbing against his legs. Greece smiled, causing Japan to smile back, if faintly.
"Hey, Japan. Come in before my cats leave me."
"I somehow doubt they'd leave you." Japan comments, looking pointedly at their content expressions.
"Maybe not. But cats ARE whimsical creatures."
Japan walks forward, greeting the cats by name, knowing each of them because of him always being with Greece.
"Hello there, Jasmine, Dexter, Angel, Loki, Bad Leroy, Fluffy, Fluffy Junior, Fluffy Senior..."
Japan looks at the last one oddly. That cat had a freakishly deep voice. "Jeff."
Then they had their date, and they made yaoi.

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