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Me: Italy's my favorite out of ALL OF YOU. Italy and Romano. Both of them. Are better. Than. You. *slides on sunglasses, like a boss* deal with it. You wanna know why?
England: Not really, no.
Me: We'll start with Italy. He's so kawaii, he makes the rest of you look like pickles. Pickles aren't kawaii at all. Plus we have the same interests. Cats, pasta, know. Especially pasta. I have always loved every form of pasta. Even before Italy.
Me: Then there's Romano. You always look at him, and think "how is he Italy's brother?" But then he cowers behind someone, or raves about tomatoes, and you know they are most certainly brothers. He talks so big, for a coward. And let's not forget his dreadful mustache!
Me: the rest of you are LAME. Except Doitsu. And Prussia. And Canada, and Spain, and England, and Japan, and Hungary, and Holy Rome, and-wait. What was I talking about?
England: You informed us that pickles aren't kawaii.

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