Rings - Rantaro x Tenko

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  This isn't in the Killing Game! They're in a normal dimension where they've graduated from Hope's Peak Academy! I hope you enjoy this one!


Tenko woke up, Rantaro was sitting on the bed reading a book. Despite what the other students thought, Tenko actually liked Rantaro. The pair had been dating for a little over three years and the avocado head helped her see that some males weren't degenerates.

"Morning Tenko." Rantaro smiled when he saw she was awake.

"Morning." Rantaro chuckled at her, leaning over to kiss her forehead.

"I love your bedhead this morning, love~"

"S-shut up!" Tenko puffed out her cheeks, getting out of bed with a slight glare at him.

"There's a present for you under the tree by the way."

"You shouldn't have."

"I didn't put it there."

Tenko gave him a confused look, leaving the room to check under their large Christmas tree. Sure enough, there was a tiny box wrapped in silver paper. Rantaro appeared behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her to him as he rested his chin on her head.

Tenko let him do it as she thought about anyone how'd want to give her a secret present on Christmas morning. Tenko pulled away from her boyfriend and grabbed the box, gently ripping the paper away.

Inside was a black box. When she opened it there was a note and a silver ring with a diamond on it. As she scanned her eyes over the note, Rantaro voiced what it said.

"Tenko, will you marry me?"

Tenko looked up with tears in her eyes, she smiled, "Yes!"

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