Lacy pink insecurities (smut)

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Authors note: I decided to put up the rest of the fanfics I've written. I tried doing a daddy kink here, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Overall it's pretty cute, enjoy!(photo from @twosetviolingallery on instagram, I love their edits)

I've hit the snooze button at least 40 times today, I shouldn't have gone to sleep so early. While my alarm kept on beeping I decided to check the time.


It's 11:20! I have to meet up with Brett for lunch at the bubble tea place!

I jumped out of bed to quickly brush my teeth and get some clothes on. My hair was a fucking mess and nothing looked good, but I only had 10 minutes.

"I guess I'm wearing my merch"
I said to myself as I put on my practice hoodie.

I walked out the door not so calmly, practically running to where we usually meet up to talk. The day was definitely not going as planned.

My hand hit the door to the bubble tea place, and I got inside the warm familiar place. Brett was sitting at our usual spot, with two drinks on the table.

"Hey!" I said while waving in his direction

The black haired boy looked up from his phone and smiled.

"Hello, where were you?" He jokingly asked.

"I slept in" i panted out tired from running over here

"Well sit down you look tired" he said clearly amused.

I sat down and we talked about future videos. After writing some new ideas and some planning, Brett put down his tea.

"I know we don't really talk about these things but... I've been a bit.. um.. I dunno how to explain it Uh.. insecure?" He looked down embarrassed about what he just confessed.

"Really? Your technique is great and your musicality is amazing. Of course you're not perfect, but no one is." I say concerned.

"No that's not what I mean... I mean I don't really like... um.. how I look." He looks uncomfortable, fidgeting with his hands and not making eye contact.
"I don't know if I'm really comfortable talking about this in public Eddy, we can walk back to my place. It's not that far."

We get up and walk to his place. When we get there he unlocks the door, and we sit down on his comfortable couch. I start the conversation...

"When did you start feeling so insecure?"

The black haired boy sniffles and rubs his face.

"I'm not sure, I just started looking in the mirror, and hating what stared back at me."

His voice cracked and tears started rolling down his plush pink cheeks.
I moved over towards him and put my arms around him, rubbing his upper back.

"It's okay I'm listening"

"It's just that I've never really gravitated towards what I should like in clothing either. The thought of wearing more girly clothes just feels right, but it's just so embarrassing..."
He hiccuped out sobbing

"You know I would never judge you for whatever you want to wear right? I'll support you in whatever you do" I say in a soft safe voice.

He hugs me tighter.
"Thank you"

*two weeks later*

The door opens to a smiling Brett, eyes bright and happy. He's wearing high waisted white skinny jeans, with a light pink crop top showing a bit of tan skin.

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