Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Confused, the boys ran after Louis, the maniac who had just stolen two weeks worth of food. "HA HA!" they heard him scream, accelerating to full speed. The boys tried to keep up with him, but their small bodies couldn't cope with Louis and his long legs. He clearly had an unfair disadvantage. Faster and faster he ran, the boys could barely keep up. But then, Louis stopped. He completely stopped dead in his tracks.

The boys glanced at each other, then ran up to see why he stopped. "Why did you stop, Lou...?" Zayn tried to say, but Louis covered his mouth, and ordered the boys to follow him behind a bench. Sitting there were two women, deep in a conversation. Louis placed his ear to the bench to hear their conversation better. As if that did anything. He was curious to hear what they were talking about. He knew who that woman was.

"Oh, Charlene," Lou's mother weeped. "It's been two years, I miss my little boy! His sisters miss him too. I don't even know what to do anymore, I miss him so much...I don't know where he is, why he left, or if he's even alive!"

"Okay, calm down," Charlene said calmly. "He'll come back. What's an eight year old supposed to do on his own?"

"Starve..." She looked pale. "Freeze..."

"Think of the positives, honey!" her friend reassured her. "Please."

Lou's mother nodded, trying desperately to compose herself. "Thanks. I'll be on my way now," she said hurriedly. Turning around to get up, Louis panicked. He looked around, then hid behind a bush. He then realized that the boys were still behind the bench. Grabbing their shirts, he pulled them away before his mother could see any of them.

Louis felt guilty. His mother was right there. Weeping. Missing her first born child. He could have made it all better by appearing and showing his face to his mother. He could have said, "I'm right here, mum." He could have wrapped his tan arms around her, embracing the mother he had missed with his whole heart.

But he didn't.

"What was that about, Louis?" Niall questioned.

"Silly Niall," Liam spat. "That was his mummy!"

"Lou!" Zayn cried. "Why didn't you show her that you're okay? Don't you love your mummy?"

"Yeah, why did you even leave her?! Our parents didn't care that we left, but your mum did!" Liam hissed.

"What Liam is trying to say is," Niall said, calming his friend down, "is that we all had reasons. That you hurt your mum. Shouldn't you at least tell her you're alright?"

Louis was silent. He couldn't tell them what he had seen his mother doing. The sole reason he didn't want to go back, as much as he missed her.

Harry was silent, too. The other boys were hinting that Louis should leave them. He couldn't! He was the leader! He knew all of the ropes of living alone! Harry didn't want to admit it, but Louis was his favorite, and losing him wouldn't be okay.

"No," Louis said, turning away to hide the tear falling from his cheek. "I can't go back to her. She'll do the same thing, she'll cheat on daddy. I don't even know where my father is, but he sure as hell isn't with my mother."

"That's horrible!" Niall said.

"That's a bad word!" Liam scolded.

"No it ain't," Louis said, similar to what Harry had said three weeks ago when he met Liam. Except this time, Louis wasn't smirking like Harry once had. Shaking his head and returning to reality, he spoke again. "C'mon, let's go."

The boys picked up the stolen food and walked to their "home". They had no home, they just had a tendency to move from place to place. The boys had went through a lot within the three weeks that they had known each other. They needed somewhere to store their food, to ensure that nobody would take it.

"Louis?" Harry said weakly.

"Yes, Harry?" he said, looking down at the five year old.

"Are you really gonna leave?" he wondered, tears brimming in his sparkly green eyes.

Louis sighed. Was he? He didn't want to hurt his mother. But he realized that he made a promise to these four boys. They were brothers, and couldn't leave each other's side. Ever.

"Nope," Louis said. "Never."

He embraced the small boy, hugging him so he would calm down. Harry couldn't afford to lose Louis. He had fixed his rude attitude, and became his best friend. And you can't lose your best friend, right?


But Harry didn't plan on losing Louis any time soon.


"Hurry up, Liam!" Zayn yelled.

It was a warm day in England, and the boys didn't have much planned. They found a kickball laying on the side of the street, so Harry retrieved it so that the boys could play with it.

Niall had kicked the ball hard. Really hard. So hard that it rolled really far away, and Liam volunteered to get it.

He had been gone for at least ten minutes, which caused the boys to worry, so they went looking for him.

Liam wasn't lost. He was chasing the ball. Somehow, it had rolled out into the street. Liam looked both ways before going to get it, and smiled when he picked it up.

"Gotcha," he said to the ball.

He didn't notice the truck coming. The driver didn't notice the small boy in the middle of the street. But somebody else did.

"Look out!" a teenage girl shrieked, pushing Liam out of the way in time to save him.

Confused, Liam brushed the dirt off his clothes and stood back up. He grabbed the ball and realized that his savior was none other than his foster sister. The one that hated his guts. The one that abused him verbally. And she had saved his life.

"LIAM!" Niall shouted from across the street. "YOU'RE OKAY!"

Liam nodded, making sure that no cars were coming, then ran safely across the street.

"Yep!" he said cheerfully. "And I got the ball!"

"About time," Zayn joked, causing Louis to punch him.

The boys ran back and played with the ball. They were content, and they played like they should have. For once, they felt like normal little boys.


A/N: sorry that was so short guys! I have a lot going on today. I just wanted to write another chapter. BTW I NOTICED I RECIEVED 100 READS. I love you guys so much. THANK YOU. c:

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