Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

School was horrible for Harry and Zayn. They got picked on every day, Harry because people thought he was gay, and Zayn because he defended Rosie all the time. Zayn didn't care, as long as Rosie was safe. Harry, on the other hand, didn't like being picked on day in and day out. Niall and Liam constantly stuck up for him and told him to ignore the bullies. The duo later learned that ignoring was nearly impossible, they followed the boys everywhere.

Harry soon found out that he was safe nowhere. With Tyler bullying him at the orphanage, and at school, he had nowhere to go without feeling fear. It seemed like everybody hated him, constantly talking about him and spreading rumors. Harry hated it. He wished Louis were back, then he'd be okay.


The name hurt Harry's ears. He constantly wondered if the boy was okay, but he then remembered that he kissed him. And that's pretty hard to forget, your first kiss. Harry found himself thinking about it every day. He wished he weren't so stupid. He wished he could go back and redo that whole day. But he couldn't. Everything had already happened. And he couldn't change that.

But he tried to look beyond it. Because there's always a bright side to things, right?

Wrong. Not for Harry Edward Styles.

But he was okay.

He was fine.

He insisted that nothing was wrong, even if something was.

Liam could see right through Harry. He knew he was lying. Harry was not okay. He needed someone. And Liam hated himself for constantly believing Harry after he always insisted that he was okay.

Liam would try to help. He would. Niall and Zayn would, too. But nothing worked. It seemed the curly haired boy they had once

known was no longer with them.

Harry was still there, sure. Paul tried to help him as well, but Madam Higgins only saw Harry as a nuisance. Which everyone saw Harry as. He feared he had no place left on earth. So one day, his thoughts reigned true.

"HARRY!!!! HARRY! HARRY, WAKE UP!!" Niall's voice echoed. "Please wake up, mate...please..." He was crying now. He had hoped that somebody heard his cries and pleas, but nobody seemed to listen.

"Niall, what happened?!" Zayn wondered curiously, pulling on a shirt over his head. When he was dressed, he gasped at what he saw before him.

"HARRY!" Zayn yelled.

There Harry's body lay, red blood-stained water all around him. In his arm, the words "I'm done" and "you won" were carved. The boys stood there in awe, not knowing what to do. So Zayn shook his head and ran to find Paul. They got Harry to a hospital and they fixed him up pretty well. Niall could see it already, magazines, newspapers, and television specials all saying the same thing:


And Niall did NOT want that happening. But he couldn't do anything about it. He was just glad Harry was okay. He hoped he would NEVER pull another stunt like that one ever again.

The whole orphanage was in tears, even the ones that despised Harry. Harry was still unconscious.

They all got separate times to see Harry alone, and his tormentors laughed in shame.

"Suicide? Harry, are you THAT pathetic?"

And Tyler wanted so badly to say something. But he waited until it was his turn to say something to the still unconscious Harry.

Tyler felt a huge lump in his throat. He never cried. Never ever. He was tough. Right? Yeah, he was tough, the toughest kid in the UK.

Then why wasn't he acting tough?

He didn't know.

The boy eyed Harry's scars, reading "I'm done" and "you won". Tyler wasn't stupid, he knew that Harry meant him when he said "you". Tyler couldn't help but feel guilty. All he ever did was make fun of Harry to feel better about himself, but now that this happened, Tyler felt empty. He was a jerk.

"Harry...I...I know you're asleep. But I just had to get this out of my system. I...I never thought you'd attempt suicide, I didn't think I was that mean," Tyler admitted tearfully. "I...the truth is...I..."

And then Tyler felt his lips pressed to Harry's. Tears streamed down the hazel-eyed boy's face. He pulled away and stroked Harry's face.

"I'm sorry, Harry," Tyler said, meaning it.

If only I could say that to him when he's awake, Tyler thought cowardly.


Harry couldn't believe his ears. He heard everything, and felt everything.

When Tyler's lips were pressed upon his own, Harry didn't know what to do or think.

So he pretended he was asleep.


Zayn couldn't believe it was Christmas time already. Madam Higgins had already decorated the house for the special event. Christmas was Zayn's favorite holiday. He wanted to get Rosie the best gift possible. He didn't know what to get her, because she said she didn't want anything.

"Are you sure you don't want anything?" Zayn asked, sitting on the porch with the blonde girl. The other kids were playing in the snow. Rosie was cold, so Zayn stopped playing so he could sit with her.

"Zayn, you don't have to get me anything! Why are you even worried about me? Please don't. Ha, if anyone deserves a present, it's you!" Rosie said, her cheeks flushing rosy red.

"Oh please, you know I don't want anything," Zayn reminded her.

"Come on, you must want SOMETHING!" Rosie exclaimed with a giggle.

Zayn blushed. "Well...there is something I did kind of want..."

"Hmm? What is it?"

Zayn looked up with a small grin. Curiously, Rosie looked up as well. Getting the idea, Zayn slowly leaned in to kiss Rosie. It was a tradition to kiss someone underneath the mistletoe.

But Rosie couldn't wait. She grabbed Zayn's shirt and kissed him forcefully. Surprised, Zayn kissed back.

When they pulled away, they were breathless, and noticed that they had attracted an audience. The girls all cooed, and the boys even smiled a little bit. Liam and Caitlyn smirked at each other, proud of their work. Christmas Eve was approaching, and they knew that they had to make Zayn and Rosie's Christmas wishes come true. All they wanted was each other.


"Happy birthday, Louis. You're 14 now, almost a man."

Louis smiled at his small piece of cake the jail provided for him on his birthday.

"And a very happy one, at that," he said with a small smile. "I just wish I could spend it with the boys. I miss them so much. I just wish..."

"SHUT IT, TOMLINSON!" The security guard yelled, clearly annoyed with the boy. "KEEP YOUR THOUGHTS TO YOURSELF."

Louis sighed and turned over on his bed.

"This is the worst birthday/Christmas ever," he thought. "I hope the boys are okay."

Gulping, Louis twitched a bit. "And I wonder why Haz hasn't answered any of my he mad or something?"

The bells on the clock nearby rang, indicating that it was midnight.

Louis sighed. "Merry Christmas, Louis."


A/N: guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated this in a while. But here is chapter 11. I've been sick and busy with school. I promise I'll try to update more often! Sorry about that! Anyways, I hope you liked it! Vote/comment/save! :)

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