Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Harry was miserable. Louis had been gone for a week, only one small week, but to Harry it seemed like forever. He was nothing without Louis. He would sometimes find himself crying because he felt like it was his fault that Louis was gone in the first place, despite the fact that Louis stealing everything got him into trouble over and over again. Harry still felt the need to take the blame. He was depressed without his best friend, who wouldn't be? He missed him. More than anything.


When Louis does get out of jail, Harry thought, he probably won't even like me anymore! I mean, I kissed him, that was out of nowhere. And he seemed completely and utterly disgusted with you. Get over him, Harry. He won't be back. For two whole years. You'll need to get on by yourselves. At least you still have the boys.

Liam and Zayn were laughing from behind Harry. How on earth could they be happy with Louis gone?! Harry was furious, and felt his cheeks getting hot. Angrily, he approached the laughing boys. He stopped, listening to their conversation.

"It'll be perfect!" Zayn laughed. "I've never really done it before, but we'll have food for weeks! Plus, we won't get in trouble!"

"I know!" Liam said. "Now all we need is to mess up our hair, and put dirt on our faces. Our somewhat tattered clothes will be perfect to be a zombie!"

"And we'll blend right in," Zayn said, his grin somewhat fading. "For once, we'll be normal kids. For once."

Liam smiled wholeheartedly and placed a hand on the tan boy's shoulder. Harry approached the two and sat down.

"What are you guys talking about?" He wondered. "Zombies? Dirt? FOOD?!"

"We're gonna go trick-or-treating!" Liam exclaimed.

"Trick-or-what?" Harry questioned. He'd never heard of such a thing.

"Well, basically, it's when kids dress up on Halloween and go door to door. They say 'Trick or treat!' And then the adults GIVE them candy! You don't even have to take it!" Zayn explained. "You up for it, Haz?"

Harry nodded. He hoped it would take his mind off of Louis.

Liam sighed. He felt his heart pounding in his chest, and beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He heard Niall working diligently on their costumes, throwing dirt on their old tattered clothes, making them look like they were something you would find on an undead person. Liam smiled at the Irish boy. He'd recently dyed his hair blonde. It had taken Harry and Zayn some getting used to, but Liam loved it. He always complimented it, which made the blonde blush. He quickly turned away when the boy's eyes met his own. He didn't want Niall to know he was in love with him, that would ruin their whole friendship! Liam sighed and looked at the ground.

Zayn and Harry knew about his predicament. They did whatever they could to help their friend, dropping hints here and there to let Niall know that Liam was interested. Unfortunately for Liam, Niall was oblivious to the hints, and probably only saw it as him being friendly. Liam wanted so badly to grab him and kiss him as Harry had done to Louis, but that would take courage, something he did not have. And what if Niall reacted the same way Louis had? Liam gulped, and tried to push that thought away.

"Thinking about him?" Zayn said, breaking the silence between the three.

Flustered, Liam nodded. His cheeks were flushed a bright red.

Zayn smirked. "Let's see if Niall's done with the costumes."

Liam praised The Lord that Zayn had changed the subject. Wiping the sweat off of his brow and getting a grin from Harry, he ran up to Niall to see how he was doing on the costumes.

"And...done!" He said, visibly proud of his work. They all had to admit, the costumes looked great. "And I also managed to get bags for us to carry all the candy." He handed the boys each a bag. Harry noticed a fifth bag that had the name "Louis" written on it. He felt a lump in his throat, which Niall noticed. He was trying to help Harry get over Louis, although he missed him a lot too.

He pushed the bag away with his foot and handed Harry his costume. He grinned at the curly haired boy. "Halloween is tomorrow, and it's late. We should get some rest, lads. We need to be wide awake so we can get lots of candy!"

They nodded, and grabbed their blankets that Louis had gotten for them weeks before.

Curling up on the ground, Harry tried to forget about Louis, about the kiss, about him running away, about everything. He slowly felt himself feel better, and drifted off.


"Daddy! Daddy!" A small curly haired boy with semi-greenish bluish eyes ran up to Harry.

"Yes, William?" Harry said, bending down to his son's height.

"Where's Daddy?"

Harry felt his heart sink. Louis had never been gone, never for this long. He had thought he was going out for a shopping trip, but he was gone for a while.

Harry ran out onto their porch, and was relieved when he saw his lover standing there, watching the sunset.

"Lou," Harry greeted, and Louis smiled when he saw Harry.


"Will was worried about you. I was too."

"Sorry, I was just out here thinking."

"About what?"

"I talked to Liam earlier. He and Niall are okay. And Zayn is married to a pretty girl named Perrie. We're going to meet her next week," Louis explained.

Harry beamed. "That's great!"

Their son appeared around the corner, and jumped up into the arms of his two loving fathers.

"I love you daddy!" He said to Louis. "I love you, too, daddy!" He said to Harry.

"I love you, Will," Harry and Louis said simultaneously. They were all happy, what more could they ask for?


"Whoa," Harry breathed, waking up in a panicked sweat. It was a bright morning. That dream...? He was married to Louis...and had a child?

"HAPPY HALLOWEEN!" Niall yelled. Harry turned around and saw the Irish boy dressed as a zombie. He looked like a zombie, and did a great job at it.

Harry laughed. "Happy Halloween, Niall. Where's my costume?"

"Over there with your bag," Niall directed.

Harry approached his costume and slipped into it. He put dirt on his face and tussled his hair. When he was done, he looked as much like a zombie as Niall did.

Zayn and Liam were getting into their costumes, and when they were all together they looked pretty scary. Now all they had to do was wait for darkness to come.


"COME ON, LET'S GO!" Niall yelled, grabbing the bag with his name on it.

"COMING!" Zayn and Liam yelled back, grabbing their bags with their names on them as well.

"ME TOO!" Harry called.

But he didn't take his bag. The bag with his own name on it sat right where Niall had left it.

Harry had ran to catch up with his friends with the "Louis" bag slung over his shoulder.


A/N: OH A HALLOWEEN CHAPTER BET YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING. HAHA. Took me a while to write this. I'm tired. Well thank you guys for over 500 reads! I'm so blessed and honored! And by the way grace181920 needs more fans so fan her and read her fanfic! Thanks! xx

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