Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Harry knew what was wrong with Niall.

Harry was one of the only ones that knew what was wrong with Niall.

After Christmas, Niall's bond with Harry only increased, seeing that Zayn and Liam were only drifting farther away from him. Brothers forever? Please, they were hardly friends anymore. Niall didn't even know if he could trust those two. Zayn, sure. But Liam? Probably not. He could definitely trust Harry and Louis. Harry was Niall's best friend. Harry was Niall's shoulder to cry on. Harry was everything Niall could ask for in a friend.

"Niall," Harry said, one day after school. "Come here, mate." He patted a spot next to him on his bed, where Niall moved to sit. "How was your first day back after break? I mean, you know, in the classes I'm not in."

Niall sighed. It was January 4th, meaning that spring break was still a couple of months away. Niall couldn't wait for spring break. Harry shook Niall, trying to get his attention. Niall apologized, and began to answer.

"It wasn't bad," he admitted. "But it wasn't too good either. I got a B on my history quiz, and you know how Madam Higgins is about perfection."


Something that Niall clearly was not.

Another reason he didn't like to eat was because people made fun of his crooked teeth. Niall couldn't help that his teeth grew like that. It bothered him...the things people said about him.

"And they made fun of my teeth again," Niall muttered in a monotone. "Calling them crooked, you know..."

Hearing Niall's stomach growl, the curly haired boy's eyebrows raised. "Did you eat today, Niall?" he questioned, concerned about his friend.

Niall nodded. He winced when his stomach growled again.

"Did you eat today, Niall?" Harry repeated, more sternly this time. He knew Niall was lying, but he wasn't going to let him get away with it.

Niall sighed in defeat. "No."

"Get some food in your system, then! You look as pale as a ghost!" Harry exclaimed. As harsh as it sounded, it was true. Niall's whole appearance had changed. The once, fit, healthy boy Harry had known and loved was now a shell, quiet and cold. Niall was oftentimes silent, and unless he was talking to Harry, he hardly ever smiled. He was still himself, yet a complete stranger at the same time. His weight had decreased rapidly, and Niall was now skin and bones. The kids had stopped making fun of his chubbiness, and started making fun of how skinny he suddenly was. Not to mention his horrendous teeth.

"I know, Harry," Niall said, his eyes glazed. "I try. Because now, I'm not far anymore. It's just...I can't. It's hard to explain, but I guess I'm just never hungry anymore," he admitted.

Harry frowned. "But you've got to eat something." He thought for a moment, then remembered what he had heard throughout his school earlier that day. Something about a new restaurant opening up not too far away from the orphanage. "Why don't we go to Nando's?" Harry suggested.

"Nando's?" Niall said, holding back a laugh. "What's that?"

"It's a new restaurant opening up down the street from here," Harry explained. "The kids in school say it's really good."

"Well, we'd better not go then. They're probably lying to poison us!"

"They're not lying, Niall. Now come on, we're going and you're going to eat, whether you like it or not," Harry commanded.

Niall frowned jokingly. "Yes, Madam Higgins." The two began to walk from the boys' room and out of the orphanage. They started heading down the street when Niall chuckled. "Who names a restaurant 'Nando's', anyway?"

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