Chapter 14

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A/N Hello again for the 3rd time this night, wow I am really being a major introvert! I am not even visiting with my family, mind you I am very, very anti-social so they dont really mind, or care to say the least I am just happy to be writing because tomorrow all day I will be working on homework I have a ton of math and 10 tons of English I have quite a few projects due + I really want to write a chapter or two tomorrow so I am going to post tonight as much as I can also I put in the wattys2014 tag (I hope I did it right) I dont know much about wattpad but I can dream :P Please Vote/Comment/Follow/Read Happy readings <3 P.S. I may take a break from writing to attempt to find my phone that I have no clue where it is and it is annoying me :3 

Elizabeth’s POV 

I woke up the next day suddenly feeling the same urge to puke but then I remembered something, the chamber pot under the bed I had discovered it last night when I stubbed my toe on it I quickly pulled it out just in time to puke in it and when I got up again I amazingly puked a second time before recovering and going about by business like normal again I went and got more inflatable eggs and “breakfast” I then went about my day taking care of the children “Ok lets see I’m going to take your braces off today everyone we are going to see if you can walk if not we will put some nice warm towels on your legs and try again tomorrow I have high hopes for you all today, someone is going to win a toy I can just feel it” I said pulling on a buckle on a brace and before long all the children had their braces off I picked each one up and paced them on the ground “Timmy I cant believe it you to John” I said watching them walking there was about 5 kids who had gotten out of their braces I made them race to see who would win the grand prize everyone started cheering from their beds with the blankets wrapped around their legs Timmy and John were in the lead for the boys, Sally and Eleanor were neck in neck for the girls they Sally ended up just passing Eleanor and winning the doll John in the end won the firetruck toy but everyone got something for their efforts I laughed as John rolled the truck around then I noticed a few kids disappeared.

I ran out searching for the kids searching all over the first floor finally I found them from some wheelchair tracks on the ground I followed them leading right to the best idea I have ever seen. The children were putting pieces of cardboard on the wheelchair and painting it on the one side was the words “March of dimes” it was painted to look like a race car the children gasped when they saw me trying to hide the car “Children that is the best idea I have ever seen and I have an idea of a lifetime” I laughed wheeling the wheelchair and the kid inside it back to the ward I quickly informed Mr Martins of my plan, he to thought it was a great idea, soon all the children were painting cardboard and pasting it to the wheelchairs “March of dimes was on each chair in big purple letters each driver of the wheelchair held a bucket and we all went for a walk when we finished, all the children in the ward walked out and made over $100 in dimes, it was amazing all the children were so happy and the hospital used the money they so desperately needed and even got some more equipment, just for the polio wards when I was discharged after my day of work I took to writing a letter as quickly as possible.

James’s POV

I heard the mailbox open that night and raced to the door to read it, as usual it was from Elizabeth I opened it up and read it as quickly as possible 

Dear James, 

We had a great day (however I was sick twice again this morning but afterwards I was fine I guess I am just getting use to this “Breakfast” I hope your well we made over $100 today and it was all the children’s idea they taped cardboard to their wheelchairs to make them look like race cars they painted them and wrote “March of dimes” on each car they paraded about the town and everyone couldn't resist their charm they decided they would buy a ton of equipment for the polio ward and maybe some more will blankets because they are working so well on the kids they are healing very fast we also gave away the firetruck and doll to the kids who could walk without their braces first now they all want to train to walk for next month when we find a new grand prize!

I hope you are well I love you and I cant wait to see you again I wish I could see you soon!

-Love you 

Elizabeth Smith 

My eyebrows furrowed together when I read that she had been sick twice this morning again it she only got it when she got up so it couldn’t of been the food, she hadn't even eaten it before she got sick I narrowed down the possibilities but I knew that morning sickness was becoming all that much more likely for my lovely Elizabeth Smith, I just wanted to wait and see before I jumped to conclusions.

Throughout the week every night the same thing it turned out she was sick in the morning finally I took a deep breath and started to write my daily letter.

Dear Elizabeth, 

I hope you have been feeling well bare with me because I think I may have found the reason why you have been getting sick every morning, did it ever occur to you that every morning you got sick and you were fine afterwards, also you have said you have been very tired, did you by any chance think it could be morning sickness, I guess I wouldn't know but it makes perfect sense also check your ward for a telephone I really want to hear your voice I also think it might be a lot cheeper then the price of all these stamps I am really happy about the news that already half of your ward has been discharged to go live with their families again you must have brightened up their day so much after all no one treats polio as well as you, so check the ward I think it is 5 cents for a call for 30 minutes so I cant wait to speak with you bye (ps get well soon) 

-With Love,

James xo

I took a deep breath and added our address to it I couldn't wait to hear if she did actually have morning sickness I knew her mind would instantly think if it was or wasn't so I sent it off and hoped for the best, I suddenly felt a brushing feeling against my leg, of course Annie needed to be fed a few hours later I got a call from the hospital.

“JAMES I FOUND A PHONE” I heard blast through the phone “Oh my goodness I am so happy I can hear you, I love you sweetheart” I said back through the phone 

“You said I may have morning sickness” was the first thing she said 

“yeah well it could be I don't know” 

“It is I mean I have gained a bit of weight and I have only been sick in the morning good deduction skills Mr. Smith” she said in a bubbly voice 

“oh my goodness I have missed the sound of your voice so much El I am just trying to take it all in that we are having a baby, our first baby I mean that is great news” I said trying not to scream in the phone 

“Awe I missed the sound of your voice too well I only have 2 months left to go on Tuesday, I might be a lot bigger when you see me then” she giggled 

“so what I’ll always love you if not even more” I laughed along with her “so tell me then is it true that half of your patients got discharged?” I said after we stopped laughing 

“Yep another one left today they are healing so well but we got another 10 kids in yesterday so we will be busy also there was an outbreak of the measles going through the ward if the mumps joins in I will go insane I am sure of it” she said 

“Well just make sure it isn't the German measles those things can be bad for any woman infected while she is pregnant” I warned remembering some of my readings on them 

“I already caught them when I was younger I cant get them again, I am immune to all these diseases, all but polio, but they cant infect me they are not contagious anymore its only when they have the fever and flu like symptoms that they can spread it” she blabbed 

“Alright be careful” I warned 

“I promise I will” she said 

“Ok I love you bye” we both said at the same time then started laughing but just then the operator started warning us that we had to stop talking soon so we hung up I went to sleep happy that night knowing my wife wasn't sick she was just going to have a baby, our baby! 

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