Part 2: New kid

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" you guys okay?" Steven asked, a stretched out smile on his chubby face. Both strangers looked at him and slowly blinked, not a hint of emotion showing on their faces. The umbrella was lying on the floor. "Who are you?" One of them asked in a low voice. "I'm Steven Universe! I-I kind of used to protect this place from evil gems, but now I'm... let's say... out of the job. Heh..." There was an awkward pause, before Steven bent down slightly and asked the newcomer what his name was. "I'm Y/N," he said simply,"and this is my butler Jeffrey," he pointed a stout arm to the lanky man beside him. "We're moving here." Another awkward silence. "How about I... Show you two around!" Steven said with false enthusiam. "Fine," remarked Y/N, "but Jeffrey will have to stay and get my stuff out," he added. "O-okay, Let's go then!" Steven expressed in a wobbly voice.

After Y/N had seen the rest of Beach City, (which didn't take long honestly) they sat down on a nearby bench. "So... about this 'evil gem' thing..." Y/N inquired, furrowing his eyebrows. "Oh right! So, basically there were loads of corrupted gems,and they're like, mindless monsters that had been broken when these three giant women named 'The Diamonds' hit them with their combined powers, and they kept on showing up on Beach City since this planet used to be used for colonization, so me and the rest of the Crystal Gems kept getting rid of them, but eventually we felt sorry for them so we asked the three giant women to fix them, and with a lot of convincing they finally did, but they only listened to me because it turned out that I was actually also the son of a Diamond who had reformed into a Rose Quartz, and they didn't know that. So then once we freed all of the gems we started a school for them here, on earth! Taa....daa..I guess?"

Y/N looked at Steven as if he had just been slapped in the face with a wet fish. Then, he smirked. "Woah Steven, pretty interesting imagination you got there dude." Steven frowned. "I-I promise it's real- I just need to show you somehow...Oh yeah! Pearl can produce holograms from her gem, I'll ask her to show you!" He got up and ran off towards the beach, and Y/N quickly followed. "No way is he serious! Pearls can't produce holograms, and I'm sure he said he was seventeen...Pretty crazy imagination for his age..." Y/N thought, thoughts racing through his head.

"Woah! That house on a statue, is it yours Steven?" Y/N asked. Steven grabbed his small hand and raced up the stairs, a "Yep" breifly escaping his lips. Y/N felt his face heat up and his heart beat faster than Steven's running. He could feel slight sweat building up on his forehead."Oh god, not again, not now..." Y/N bit his lip anxiously: how many times would this kind of thing happen to him before he has to tell everyone again? Until he had to leave everyone again.

"Should I tell him, he looks like he might accept it... Who am I kidding no one does, not even them."

The sun shone bright and the rain was completely gone, and the door to the house opened, showing three gems, and a very pink lion.

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