Part 6: Not the coolest fusion at the party

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Y/N dragged himself down the red-carpeted stairs in his home groggily, laying at the foot of them motionlessly. Jeffrey picked him up and dropped him on the cold dining room table. "What the hell Jeffrey?" Y/N said sulkily, taking up as much time to get off the table as he could. "Kevin invited you too a party," Jeffrey responded, making an "ew" face.
"Since when?"
"Since now. Go put on something nice Y/N- you know what he's like. The party starts at nine but he wants you to be there early to help him set up."
"Just say I'm really sick or something!"
"I tried to do that but he wouldn't listen. He also said he wants Steven and Connie to come so we're taking them too."

Y/N opened his closet and sighed- not only did he have to spent time with his annoying nephew, but he also had nothing that Kevin would classify as "cool" to wear. His closet only contained fancy suits and polo shirts- I mean what the heck- was he gonna wear a tux to a teenager's house party? The answer was yes- yes he was.

He walked over to the temple with Jeffrey behind him, and knocked on the door, expecting Steven to open it; unfortunately it was Amethyst, with the other two gems behind her. Y/N could already see where this was going. "Steveeeeen! Your boooyfriend's here!" She said. Pearl gave her a "stop-messing-around" look and smiled at Y/N. "Oh Steven! He's even dressed up in a lovely tuxedo! I'm guessing this is for Kevin's party?"
Y/N could hear running footsteps from the inside of their house, who he assumed came from Steven. Garnet also followed the source of the sound, and, without moving her head, she said; "Good luck," before giving a soft smile  and pulling down her golden visor to wink at him.

"Y/N!" yelled a familiar voice, and, before he had time to comprehend where it was coming from, he felt the touch of soft arms wrap around his body. Normally he wouldn't allow barely anyone to even touch him, but when Steven did it, he practically exploded with emotions- emotions that Steven is too pure to understand- and slowly hugged him back. The three gems, who had originally been behind him, were now gone, and had closed the door behind them. Walking away from the sandy beach, Y/N asked; "Are we all driving to Connie's house or is she driving here?" To which Steven replied; "Connie's not coming- she said she was sick- but I just think she hates Kevin that much that she's not taking a four hour drive in my dad's van to see him." Y/N fake laughed, and then gave Jeffrey a glare, that caused him to put his hands up in defense. "Well, at least you're here Y/N,"  Steven said as they got into the back of the van, hand in hand, which caused Y/N to go redder than a tomato.

Kevin's house was a lot bigger than Y/N remembered- though he could tell by Steven's frowning face that he was more familiar with the place. They walked past the large gate and past the driveway- which caused Y/N to freeze in fear. Next to Kevin's infamous yellow sports car, was a very familiar limosine. Y/N's dread trippled in fear. "Y/N, are you okay?" Steven asked, but he got no response.

Three figures stood in the entrace, two of them looking in their late fourties and rather snobbish, and one of them being-well- Kevin. "Oh Kevin! You knew you're grandparents were coming and you chose to wear this? Well, it's probably better than whatever he's coming in," one of them said, their eyes changing direction to where Steven and Y/N were standing. It didn't help that the two boys were holding hands. "Who are they?" Steven whispered, getting way to close to Y/N's face. Blushing in shame of the situation, Y/N responded; "My parents."

The posh-looking woman sashayed over to Y/N, and immediately Steven sensed something was wrong. Despite her wide smile, obvious friendliness, and perfected happiness, he could tell how uncomfortable Y/N was getting- his face looked like he wanted to get away from her. He couldn't understand why, but he just wanted to pull Y/N away from her and shield him in his arms, but obviously he couldn't do that, besides, he didn't want to judge the woman with no evidence, so he did the next best thing. Well, not really, but at least it broke the ice a little. "Sooo, shall we get started? I'm Steven Universe by the way- I'm Y/N's..." He looked at Y/N quizically, not really knowing what to say.
"Y/N's friend." said Jeffrey from out of nowhere, almost saving the conversation. The woman's smile quivered slightly, almost falling completely, but, thankfully she regained it, and sweetly said; "Of course!" The older man walked over from where he was standing and placed a hand on her shoulder. "We need to talk to Y/N first- privately."

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