Part 14: Chained up

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Holly chained the fusion up against the wall, standing ajacent in a eerie manner. They had just lay quietly, every now and again attempting to stuggle against Holly's strong grip, only to be silenced by a series of threats or harsh, rib-crushing squeezes. Now, they were hopeless, chained up by Anti-Fusion shackles that prevented them from splitting apart, and were constantly taunted by the angry blue gem next to them, weapon always out, just in case.

While in this position, Steven and Y/N took their oppertunity to look around the dungeon they were in. Unlike the rest of the zoo, this area wasn't pink, but a soft, unnerving periwinkle blue. There were scratches and broken destabilisers littered on the cold, marble floor. Opposite them, was a glass-like  transparent wall, giving veiwing access across the empty hallways. There were no Amethyst guards anywhere, which seemed plausable, since they hated Holly and were fond of the Crystal Gems. Still, Steven wondered where they might be now. A voice snapped the fusion out of their trance.

"A few years ago, I could never dream of wanting to shatter a Diamond, but now, I can't wait to be rid of you." Holly said, madness deep within her light grey eyes. Steven responded, speaking through his creation. "Why are you doing this Holly? I set you free! Why start a rebellion?"

Holly laughed. An emotionless, cold laugh that filled the room with bitterness. "Isn't it obvious? You ruined my- and thousands of other gems lives! We had a purpose, and you came forward out of that coward of a mother and snatched it away! Blue disbanded me, and the zoo, leaving us all on her own. They're still dictators, they just believe in you, not us. And by shattering you they'll all go into mourning once more- reverting things back to the way they used to be! And if they don't, we'll shatter them too! Don't you get how low I've sank because of you? I was in line to be a perfect Agate- and now, nothing. Nothing! I'm so low down now, I take orders from a Rose Quartz. And one from Earth at that."

Y/N could feel Steven's stomach do a flip. "They let the others out? But why would they hate me?"

The fusion didn't know when Holly left, but they were in a nasty state of confusion. Y/N had no clue about any of the zoo gems, and Steven didn't understand why they hated him. Then, something caught their upper left eye. Something that was currently giving Y/N an idea better than his original plan B. It was some type of Azurite, with two gems- one on their right eye, the other below it. They were hovering a blue bubble- more specifically- Holly's bubble. The one containing Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl. The small, blue and red Azurite fusion looked at their captives chained up against the wall. Once the two hybrids made eye contact, the Azurite stuck their purple toungue out in a smug manner, pulling their one eyelid down, before walking away, proud of their action. Y/N could feel Steven getting pissed at this new gem, but he didn't have time for his crush's angry pink hormones. He was preoccupied with finishing off the final, most vital bits to his new plan. Once he was done, he tried to communicate via whispering to Steven.  "Steven, I have an idea, but we'll have to stay put for a while," Y/N said, hoping their own fusion would translate his more direct talking into Steven's head. "Okay, but what is it? And how will we even-"

"I can't tell you yet, because I still need to find some more information out, specifically to do with looks," Y/N cut in, ignoring Steven's question. Then, they both overheard something. Something very relevent to their future plan.

"Ah, the crossbreed is here with our bubble," Holly's voice echoed snarkily, matched with the extraordinarily loud clicking of her heels. A strange voice responded, backing up the fusion; "Shut it Agate, they're in this together with us remember."
"Yes, my quartz," Holly responded, quickly hushing up, before swiftly carrying on in a more stoic manner; "But what'll we do about the human he's fused with? Humans don't have gems, and I don't want to throw this one away with the others in captivity. He's too friendly with the enemy. I think we should kill him too." The Azurite fusion was next to speak- "If we're killing him, we're killing the other humans too. Otherwise it'll be a waste of space. In my opinion, we should kill all the humans, capture and poof the Diamonds, and put them in the captivity chamber. They won't escape easily that way, and this ship can withstand any amount of physical power that they have- Anyway, who's gonna talk to the prisoners next? Because we have around five minutes until landing and I feel up for some threatening."

The quartz's gruff voice spoke again; "I'm talking to them until landing. An enemy should know their opposing leader's face before they perish. Holly, you take contol of the ship- Bluebird Azurite, you put the gems into the harvester. And do it quickly! When we land, I might consider your plan if you're lucky Azurite, it's not a bad idea. Clearly at least the Aquamarine in there has some sense."

"Yes my Quartz, Thank you for your time," the two, well technically three, gems said in unison before walking away in different directions. Y/N and Steven couldn't lie, they were terrified of meeting this Rose Quartz, but in a way, Y/N was hoping for it. Her face and personality could help them with his plan.

All he had to do was wait.

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