Part 5: Cookie Cat Chat

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Cookie Cat Fanzzz 🐱👌❤⭐

Steven ☆: added you
Steven ☆: added Connie

You: "Sup"

Steven ☆: "The sky"

Connie: "Lol how are you guys? Sorry I haven't been talking much- I've been rewatching Under The Knife and studying for uni"

You: "I'm pretty rubbish actually lmao"

Steven ☆: "Noooooo! What's wrong!"

You: "Eh, I just fell pretty tired still."

Connie: "Ikr! Life at seventeen suuucks!"

You: "The only good thing is that soon, I'll be old enough to  buy alchohol and drink my sorrows away."

Steven ☆: "Don't talk like that Y/N!"

Steven ☆: "You'll pull through! :)"

Connie: "Totally! It's soo cool we all ended up knowing each other! We'll all be like best friends!"

Steven ☆: "Yeah! This is random, but, Y/N, do you know Kevin?"

You: "Be more specific dude, I've heard of a few Kevins in my time."

Steven ☆: "Uhhh, do you know a Kevin with an expensive yellow car and who wears a white scarf-thingy?"

You: "Ooooohhhhhh that Kevin! Yeah, if we're talking about the Kevin I know, he's my nephew. He's suuuper annoying. All he says is: "Ugh Y/N, you're soo uncool, I mean, you're an uncle- their always losers!" AND I'M YOUNGER THAN HIM"

Steven ☆: "I mean this Kevin:"

Steven ☆: "I mean this Kevin:"

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You: "Yep! That's the guy."


You: "Soz Connie!"

Steven ☆: "Lmao sounds like he gives you a rough time."

You: "Total understatement m8!"

Private chat

Connie: added you

You: "Uhh Connie what's the point of this, we don't need a chat group for two people."

Connie: "Idk it just feels cooler, anyway, I need to talk to you about something."

You: "About what?"

Connie: "You like Steven, don't you?"

You: "No."

Connie: "C'mon dude you're never this nice to people you just met! Truuust me, I know you! Besides, I'm great at noticing these kinda things: I'm studying to be a detective!"

You: "Fine, maybe I have a TINY crush on him, but it's all rubbish really. Don't tell him or I'll buy your company and put you out of buisness."

Connie: "You won't, but I won't tell him anyway! I swear on my cat's life!"

You: "You have a cat?"

Connie: "Don't get sidetracked Y/N!"

You: "I'm not. Let's just talk about this later okay."

You left: Private chat

Cookie Cat fanzzz🐱👌❤⭐

Steven ☆: "Lol. Amethyst is looking over my shoulder and making kissy faces."

You: "Are you sure she's older than you? Lmao!"

Connie: ";)"

You: "Wth Connie?"

Steven: "Oh no, not you too!"

Connie: "And i oop-"

You: "WTF HOW IS IT 8:00 already??"

Connie: "We've only been chatting for 30 mins."

You: "Jesus, man I wasted my day today 😂"

Steven ☆: "Lol"

Connie: "Gtg I have to study for a test-Goodnight!"

You: "Cya ConCon! I'll probably be going to sleep now, Goodnight Steven :)"

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