Part 9: An akward day out

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Y/N was hyperventilating before Connie had texted him. Connie was the friend he decided to tell everything about the previous night to, and she was determined to make him feel better by having a day out with him, and, according to her, no one else. He also wanted to ask her how to talk to his other friend. He had also just got two texts from Steven. Now, to an ordinary person, getting a text from your friend is a normal activity, but not for Y/N. Not only was he embarrassed and exhausted, but he didn't even know how to respond. And then he realized he had left Steven on read, meaning Steven now inevitably thought that he was ignoring him. "Aaaarrrrrrghhh!" Y/N said, thrusting a crumpled pillow into his face. How was he going to fix this?

"Wait- Connie was going alone with me today, so I can just vent my feelings to her and she'll tell me what to do! She doesn't know about my parent's feelings yet, so this is the perfect time to tell her! And then I can deal with Steven," Y/N thought, scavenging through his wardrobe to find something half-decent to wear. He snuck downstairs, past Jeffrey to avoid any confrontations about yesterday night- and it didn't work. "I got this text from your mother and," Jeffrey stated quietly, "If there's anything you want to talk about-" Y/N stopped in his tracks for about half a second. "Uhhh nope!" He said and sped off, out of the house.

Connie 📚

You: "Where am I meeting you again?"

Connie📚: "Little Homeworld."

You: "Why there?"

Connie📚: "You'll find out soon lol."

It was about half way through the journey that Y/N realised he should have probably asked Jeffrey for a ride instead of dashing away from him. Not because it was that far away, to be honest it was only a fifteen-minute walk, it was just that Y/N was tired and lazy. By the time he actually arrived he was crawling on the floor out of pure exhaustion instead of taking in the colourful veiw. He stood up, looking around for his friend.

There were tons of gems in this place, even more than in the main part of Beach City. Vivid bright aliens surrounded him, chatting and laughing loudly, some even hugging, kissing and holding hands. The sun was out, luminous and just as happy as the people. The clouds were thin and smokey; it reminded him of when he went out that day
with- nevermind. He was trying not to think about that right now- but it wasn't exactly easy considering the hoards of gems acting all buddy-buddy to each other. He spotted Connie's familiar short bouncy hair and made his way over to her, calling her name. But then he stopped dead in his tracks.

Steven, in all of his usual getup, was chatting to her heartily, small poofy bags under his eyes. Y/N felt a pang of jealousy hit him- but he couldn't even decide who he was jealous of. Then the two teen's eyes met his. "Hey Y/N!" Connie waved, causing Steven's new power to activate and make him go rose pink. Y/N hesitantly continued walking, looking at the gravel floor. Once he stopped, he could feel their stare burning into him. "There goes my plan then," he thought miserably. "Um, Connie, didn't you explicitly say we were going alone?" Steven said, a hint of annoyance in his tone of voice. Then they both clicked what the situation was. "You set us up, didn't you!" Y/N yelled, mostly livid at his friend and also slightly blushing. "Uhhh, you know... Mother's day was last Sunday..." Connie said, abruptly trying to change the subject. Steven and Y/N completely deadpanned her. "Woohoo," he said, while Steven added snarkily, "Oh that's my favourite time of the year Connie."

For a while, no one really talked, much to Connie's dissapointment, despite her constantly bringing up new topics to talk about. The two boys behind her were frantically worrying about what they were gonna say to one another. "Should I just play it off cool, or should I apologise for sulkily explaining my family issues and then ignoring my friend?" Y/N thought, his eyes tracing the fluffy clouds. Meanwhile, Steven was thinking something along the lines of: "What do I say!? He's clearly annoyed at me, well, I think he is- Oh gosh what do I say- uhhhh... I'll go with 'How are you?', then I'll pull out a boxstandard 'Nice weather, isn't it?" And that's how Steven ended up spewing an absoloute clutter of nonsense. "How's the weather, isn't it?" He waffled, earning a snort from Connie and a confused look from Y/N.

"Yo dude, I'm doing okay, thanks, and the weather's cool," A stranger said from the top of one of the various buildings, their white boots and ripped, star infused jean-shorts dangling from the top of a roof, lavender hair covering their face. "Amethyst?!" Steven said, demanding Connie for an explination after. She just smirked. "Ayye Stee- man! And Connie- and Y/NNN~" she said, the last word dangling on her toungue as she gave Steven a suggestive look, jumping down from up high. "Uggh! It's not like that Amethyst!" Steven said, burning pink again and growing three feet taller. Y/N felt a little intoxicated hearing that, not that he didn't expect it. He was just a little heartbroken to be completely out of reach from recieving his crush's heart because of the way he reacted just now, and since he was probably straight and liked someone else, or no one for that matter. Little did he know, Steven was developing an opposite feeling to what he thought.

"Sooo, watchya doing?" Amethyst continued, ignoring Steven. Y/N could feel her stubby purple fingers shove into his back, deliberately pushing him into Steven's chest. He assumed that she was just mocking his friendship with the boy, though he didn't know why Amethyst assumed that Y/N liked Steven in that way. Well, he did, but he hadn't told anyone, and Connie was the only one besides Jeffrey who knew he wasn't hetrosexual. Suddenly, because of a slight trip, Y/N realised that his face was practically buried in Steven's upper body, causing the pink boy beside him to grow another four feet. Connie had also made the concious desision to push Steven forward, though perhaps a little too hard. Steven toppled over, shrinking back to his normal size and returning to his usual colour. Their faces were inches apart, and Y/N could not only feel Steven's hot breath on his face, but also a familiar, uncomfortable feeling in his lower torso. "Ooooh, our bad!" Amethyst swooned behind them.

"We were going on a walk," Steven said, answering Amethyst's previous question, clearly pissed of, as he got off of Y/N's body and pulled the smaller boy up. Now everyone was really uncomfortable, besides Amethyst, who announced she had snacks. At the thought of food Y/N's stomach grumbled. Noticing this, she reached into her soft mess of hair and pulled out a couple of paper bags. "I got one for Connie, and one for you and Steven to share, since you're so close." Steven gave in and took one of the greasy bags, reaching inside to see what was inside it. It was a Cookie Cat. I mean, Steven couldn't say no to his favourite snack, so he forced a meaningful smile and snapped the ice cream sandwich in half, handing one side to Y/N. The side he kept for himself was pink.

"Steven? Are you okay?" Connie asked quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder. Steven was so dazed, he couldn't even speak. "Pink" He muttered, dropping the cookie on the floor and contorting his back into a slouch. It was funny, how every little thing reminded him of her now, even something that used to bring him joy. Why did his mother have to ruin everything? Because he was half gem, he'd ruined Y/N's day by completely embarrassing him, and get angry and throw temperature tantrums at everything. He gripped his stomach, staying silent. Why did he have to get that side? The food was just like him, half and half, but more leaning towards the worse side. Is that why? Was it fate that his mum would be placed in every small object, following him like a giant burden of hatred? "I need to go to the bathroom," Steven said, pushing Connie's hand off and dragging his feet towards the warp pad, which happened to be a few metres from them.

"Was it something I did?" Amethyst questioned, picking the dropped food of the floor. It's smile was twisted into a deep frown, strawberry icecream leaking from its eyes like little pink tears. Y/N still held his side, biting his lip in fear. That's when Connie had an idea.
"Amethyst, can you warp Y/N to Steven's house? His door to that cloudy-room thing will probably be open, since I doubt he'll actually need to go to the bathroom." She walked forward, tapping the smooth, glassy texture of the warp. It was freezing cold, considering the sunny day. "Sure Connie," Amethyst replied, stepping where the teenage girl's hand had just been,"C'mon Y/N, just go to him and say what you feel!" Amethyst said, smiling as he joined her. Then in a split second, they were gone.

"Well, that was a disaster," Connie said softly, looking at her own treat. It was still perfectly intact, but had way more vanilla ice cream than strawberry. "Whoever made these needs to work on their baking skills," she muttered, taking a bite. The sun was starting to set. "Guess I'll be getting home late."

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