Part 12: A new threat but an old face

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Wrathful hands slamming at his door whas what Steven woke up to. At 9:00, no less. He squinted carefully, trying to make out the figures through the glassy windows, recognizing one of them as his dad, Greg. "Y/N, wake up! Greg's here! He's probably gonna take you home," Steven whispered, shaking Y/N's back with his fullest power. Laying down comfortably, Y/N grumbled; "Wha- Oh, I'll go get my stuff, I'll give you your jacket back lat-"

"Y/NN!" A particularly feminine voice called out, causing Y/N to irk out of bed and shudder. He knew that he would have to let them in eventually though. A final slam was heard before everything went quiet. Y/N tiptoed down the stairs, the cold air enveloping his body, causing him to pull Steven's jacket closer to his chest. "Bye Y/N!" Steven yawned sleepily, face-planting back into his bed. Opening the door, the boy was greeted with an unnatural hug from his mother, clearly only there to display a false sense of actual parenting.  She looked down, realising that her son was only in boxers, a t-shirt and Steven's jacket and hissed at her husband. They were already having doubts and Y/N hadn't even spoke yet.

"Y/N, we were thinking about what you said at Kevin's party, and- I- well, we, thought that we should let you come back and live with us! It'll solve our whole disagreement, and we'll be absolutely perfect to you!" Y/N's mother smiled widely, shaking her head like an overly extatic robot. "The only catch is..." Y/N's father stated quietly, fumbling with his cuffs. As much as he despised Y/N some- well, most of the time, he felt slightly wrong lying through his teeth, even if it could help fix his problem. He would rather be honest about his bias, but at least truthful opinion and be done with it, leaving Y/N alone, not playing to his wife's rather horrid plan, being devious and manipulating to emotionally confuse the boy. Even that was a little far for him. It seemed like a good plan at first, fixing his son! Continuing the family! But, looking back on it, he knew deep down, even past his angrily blinded eyes, that this would never work. All it is is just lying and waiting for something that won't change, until all that built up emotion snaps at the smallest of things.

"You can't ever come back here again, or go to your old school of course!" His wife finished, her large, bulging eyes glinting with hidden malice. She grabbed her son's hand, yanking him forward and sashaying away. "Jeffrey, get the car ready," Y/N's dad muttered, following behind. "But the ja-" Y/N started, only to realise he was going to get ignored.

A gush of wind toppled the four of them down, sand spitting all over their faces. Coughing, they looked up to see a landing pink ship, slowly sinking it's crystal tip into the beach. It looked quiet, desolate and empty. In the corner of his eye, Y/N could see Steven running from the door to check what was going on. A figure stepped from the top of the ship, her gruff voice echoing through the small city. It was like hearing chalk scrape a blackboard.

"Citizens of Earth, I have come forth to destroy this disgusting hunk of rock you live in with my own personal laser guns at the bottom of this ship. One blast and this sad planet disintagrates entirely! You will all step forward to earn your perminent captivity in this zoo," she slapped the metal of the ship she stood on, making a ear-bleeding clang. "Or you will remain here to die."

Y/N could hear a distant warp noise from the house over the female gem's constant preaching. Upon closer inspection, she looked sort of blue, and wore a colbat coloured kind of overcoat, with a cracked diamond at it's centre. Her heels were pure white. Y/N latched onto Jeffery who he happened to fall on, while his parents desperately shuffled back as far as they could. The blue woman jumped from the roof, landing on the floor, turning her head around for a split second to look at the temple. "Steven.." she whispered, gaining no response. The lower part of her head contained a blue, tear-shaped gem. Y/N recognised that gem from a particular necklace his mum used to wear. He squinted, trying to remember the name. Agate! That's it! But what kind? He thought again. It was kinda like the name of a person? Then it came to him- Holly Blue Agate- He thought! He remembered it because his mum was rambling about how nice the name was and how he should get a wife named Holly- which was super gross to someone who's homosexual. And judging the gem lore Steven told him, he guessed that was her name.

Speaking of Steven, he had sprinted over to the family and was desperately trying to help them out, the gems all behind him- well, one huge gem behind him that was made of three gems. "Holly!" The massive woman yelled with her second mouth, running towards the gem furiously, stomping her huge feet as she got closer. But the blue gem was far too quick. "Dealing with loudmouth warrior gems have been a part of my life since I burst from Homeworld's crust, so I know how to apply skills to strength- my whip even has destabiliser installed in it's outer layer because that is supposed to be my purpose," she slid past, quicker than light, and pulled out a lethal electric whip from her nape. Then- a massive crack noise. The huge fusion was no more, just smoke and three small gems remained. Holly collected them, bubbling them and transporting them to somewhere in the zoo. "Or, it was my purpose until Steven ruined everything. And that's why I plan on destroying him."

This woman was powerful alright- powerful and insane- and everyone knew the danger now. It was suddenly so believable. No one had ever beaten the Crystal Gems so easily for eons. Y/N thought of ways he might be able to help- he wasn't the best fighter, but he had been raised at a young age about the arts of negotiation, something that "ironically" he never used. But, now could be a good idea to at least try. "Look, Um, Holly. My name is Y/N and I'm gonna propose an alternative," Y/N said nervously, the gem glaring at his trembling body. "We'll have a bet- a fighting bet- If me and Steven beat you, you leave this planet and it's people forever, but if you win, you can take us all captive. But no killing the planet!" There was a silence. "Why not kill the planet? If I win, you'll never see it again anyway!" Holly asked coldly. "Because-" Y/N improvused for a moment "-Because, by the look of you, you seem to want to start a rebellion right? A-And you could use the earth for your base! It's got plenty of resorces and natural hiding places- plus it will feel victorious to live in Steven's former home once you've d-defeated him, right? You'll have got your revenge anyway, so what does it matter?"

The gem considered the offer for a moment. "Very well, I accept your little plan, human," Y/N exhaled, but he did have a plan B up his sleeve if he failed, so he was glad she accepted the offer." He reached out a shaky hand to Steven, who was worried, and possibly very annoyed. The words left Y/N's mouth rather bluntly, but he couldn't think of anything else.

"Let's fuse Steven."

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