2 - The Enchanted Garden

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In the midst of the fright

As a thief in the night

Comes the first sign of hope

Dawn’s first light

The next morning Jeanette was entertaining her guests at lunch as Howard ate in silence. They sat in the bright breakfast parlour. Soft blue wallpaper lined the walls and the table had a dainty lace tablecloth. Elaine had not emerged from her room.

James interrupted Jeanette’s dramatized descriptions of something she had done in her youth to ask “Does Miss Elaine intend to come to lunch?”

Jeanette seemed slightly irritated but nonetheless replied, “Get Georgiana to go fetch her dear” and resumed her story. Georgiana on cue came to attend to the breakfast table.

 “Georgiana, would you mind finding out for me if Miss Elaine intends to grace us with her presence today?” James asked the maid. “Thank you.” Georgiana departed from the parlour and made her way to Elaine’s room.

Once again she knocked lightly on the wooden door. “May I enter please Miss Elaine?”

“The door is unlocked Georgiana, you may come in” The maid opened the door and curtsied, finding Elaine sitting at her writing table with a book in her hands.

“Miss Elaine, Sir James is inquiring as to whether you plan to join them for lunch.” Silence. “He is very handsome M’lady. And my, my so polite too! You would be wise to go to lunch” the outspoken maid blushed at her outburst and smiled excitedly.

“Georgiana you know my opinion regarding these matters. Please tell them all I have taken ill.” She closed her book and headed to her bed. This was an excuse she employed often in her favour. It was not difficult to believe she was ill considering the state of her health. Georgiana did not hide her disappointment as she turned to exit the room.

Just before closing the door behind her, she quickly asked, “Would you like me to bring you lunch up M’lady?”

“No thank you Georgiana, I have no appetite today.” This was the answer Georgiana expected. Elaine did not eat often and when she did it was very little. She never seemed to bother with her health. The maid often worried for her, sometimes bringing her food without being told. It pleased her when she would come to collect the dishes some mornings to find some of it eaten. She decided that if Elaine did not show up to dinner in the evening, she would prepare a dish to take up to her.


Georgiana returned to the breakfast parlour in time to see the lunch party stand up, about to disperse.

“Again, kind lady, your company was a pleasure,” she heard Sir Arthur say to Jeanette politely, as he gave a curt bow—an  indefinable expression passed James’ eyes but was quickly gone. Georgiana approached him and quietly relayed Elaine’s message to him. He nodded and frowned slightly. She guessed he didn’t buy it. He was clearly an intelligent man. Georgiana then collected the dirty dishes and proceeded to the kitchen.

Sir Arthur spoke again, “Now Howard, if you don’t mind I believe we really should get to discussing this partnership.”

“Oh... Yes of course” Howard mumbled absently. Sir Arthur followed him into the hallway leading to his study, as Jeanette laid eyes on her next object of socialization.

“James, dear you have been silent all lunch! You are a very quiet young man, so well-mannered, like your father. But it’s not good to be too quiet,” she added with a wink, “Women like a confident, strong-willed man.” She giggled at that thought.

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