4 - The Clock

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Okay, first of all I think any readers deserve an apology, I am SO SLOW. I wouldn’t be surprised if no one reads this because they forgot what the story was about :S It’s just, I’m so busy, and then when I actually get the chance to sit down and write, I realized there are details here and there that I am not very sure about and then I have to go and research it... I guess I’m too much of a perfectionist. I didn’t realize how big of a commitment it would be when I uploaded the first chapter on a whim. I love writing, but now I feel like I’m on a deadline and I’m letting people down (I personally hate it when people take forever to update their stories!) I kind of wish I had written the entire thing before posting, you know? I’m actually really sorry, if you don’t want to read this anymore I completely understand! I won’t stop writing but I can’t promise I’ll be any faster </3


 “Wait—stay. Read your novel with me.” He smiled at her hopefully. The eagerness in his dazzling hazel eyes swayed Elaine’s persistence for a moment but she quickly composed herself.

“Well, seeing as I have left it in my bedroom it does not seem reasonable to walk all the way and come back.” James’ eyes betrayed his disappointment but he could not stay sullen for long, having come across a library filled with books he had not read and the promise of new books to take with him.

She did not like to see his disappointment but knew she had to stop their relationship before it developed into anything more than acquaintance “I will see you at dinner then.” She settled. They both stood as she gave a quick curtsy and he returned it with a curt bow.

 “I will look forward to it eagerly” he said as Elaine headed to the door.


James watched as Elaine walked towards the door and opened it. To the surprise of them both, Georgiana stood in the doorway with her hand on the opposite side of the doorknob, looking just as startled. She looked from Elaine to James and a wide grin grew on her face.

“Miss Elaine, I have been searching for you all morning! I was so very worried something had happened to you!”

“Did mother send you?” Elaine asked warily.

“Oh no, M’Lady, I came by myself. I hope you do not mind!” She said, but her face did not agree with her words. It still held the same beaming smile as she looked between her mistress and the handsome guest. Elaine loved her maid and was grateful for how she did not estrange herself from them because she was a servant, as maids are expected to do, but Georgiana could be very embarrassing sometimes. Elaine looked back at James, sheepishly. He seemed equally uncomfortable, staring at the ground, but caught Elaine’s eye when she looked back at him. Then a marvellous idea formed in his mind. He walked towards the women with a large confident smile, earning him a confused look from Elaine.

“Do not apologize, Georgiana, in fact you arrived at the perfect time!” he declared. Georgiana looked confused but pleased with herself nonetheless. “Elaine was just heading to her bedroom to get her book, although we would greatly appreciate it if you could fetch it for her.” James beamed as Elaine gaped at him and Georgiana quickly nodded before going to do as she was told.

“How fortunate that Georgiana came at such a perfect time, don’t you agree, my dear Miss Elaine?” He smiled at her mischievously and made to close the door. He walked back to the table in front of the window and sat smiling at her. She only stood, confused about what had just taken place. It was too late to back out now, she thought. The sudden realization that she was not even disappointed to be stuck here with him worried her all the more. But it was not in Elaine’s nature to admit defeat, so instead of joining him at the table she began to browse the bookshelves. Seeing her intent, James got up to do the same beside her. “Will you give me a recommendation?” He asked.

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