4 - Neglected childhood

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This chapter is for all those who have been neglected or abused in any way during their childhood. I'm sorry if your childhood was ruined because of it and your teenage was ruined because of trauma.. It wasn't your fault.


"Your Mother probably loves you, they said
She just does it because she cares
But were the bruises on his hands
Really symbols of love?"

Aishani's pov

From there I just decided to walk home and let my brother be.. I mean he's already like 30 and unmarried.. Ma isn't someone who forces us to get married.. Yeah well its really strange but we are fortunate.

Moreover, I couldn't get a happier household.. If only he was here too..

I went home and Ma opened the door, "Where's Ayush, Aishu?" She asked me

"Ayush was umm.. A bit busy ma" I replied..trying to hide a grin but ma understands everything, so she just let out a playful chuckle and mumbled something along the lines of "Youngsters.."

"Aishu.. Was the girl having long brownish hair?" Maya asked and I understood that she was referring to the girl Ayush was with.. I was about to ask her how she knew but she's really close to him so obviously he'll tell her.. I just nodded

"You know she's his phone's wallpaper" she said and I looked at her in shock.. They were that close??

"Yeah.. I think this time he's committed! Namage konnegu athige sikkidhlu! (We finally got a sister-in-law)" she said putting her hand on her head in a dramatic way

"Nange sose sikkidhla?!(I got a daughter in law??)" Ma looked out from the kitchen at both of us and we just laughed.

"Aishu.. First day na? How was it? Tired?" Ma asked.. I replied in negative

Then when ma gave me food I looked at her and told her with my eyes 'we need to talk later'. She just blinked in agreement.

After sometime Maya went to her room.

"Aishu.. You wanted to talk about something?" Ma asked me

"Yes ma.. Actually today I found out my new unit head" I said "Oh.. So?"
"He is Divya's son ma.. Raghav Thaiwar" I said. Ma's eyes widened at Divya's name and the look changed into pure hatred.

"Aishu? Does he know who you are? Did you meet Divya??" Ma asked frantically

I narrated her the whole story. Ma was sincerely shocked when I told her that Divya might be mentally ill.

"Maybe that.. No it doesn't! Nothing justifies her actions!" Ma said seeming like she was having a war with herself.

It was true though.. Others illness doesn't make abuse okay.. But I could see why she felt conflicted.. It was hard..

"Aishu.. If she does anything to you.. You immediately leave ok?" Ma said pulling me into an embrace.

I nodded and Ma said that she'd rather sleep with me so I slept in her room itself

Next day

Things were going normally.. The operations I had were a successful.. (thankfully).. Nothing to stress too much about.

Raghav's pov (surprise!!)

I hated the fact that my mother was like this.. Why did she have to behave like this?? I know she's not to blame for her illness.. But she can't really go on hurting others like this

Aishani hates her.. I could see it in her eyes.. God knows what Mother said to her.

But the thing that shocked me the most is she called that man, Ayush, I think.. Her son.. And she accused someone else of taking away her child..But then Ayush said she is the one who threw him away?

All of this was way too confusing. Was my mother in a manic state when she said that? But then Ayush knew her.. Something doesn't quite add up

"Raghav beta.. Come down for lunch" I heard my mother call me.

I hated this.. I hated how she was so abusive one second and so sweet the next. I know it's isn't really her fault.. But as a child I never knew that. I used to always think my mother had a twin or something.

Because once she would shower me with love and then would also beat me till I was completely bruised.. It hurt so much as a kid to face all of this.. But then finally I got to know she wasn't mentally stable..

It didn't make things any easier though.. It only hurt more.. I would only think what it would be like if my mother was normal.. But I realised I couldn't do anything about that.. Except for live.. However I won't leave me mother and go.. Because I'm damn sure my father won't take care of her then.


Ciao everyone!!
So poor Raghav also suffered at the hands of Divya? What do you guys think? Her fault or not?? Why is Divya like that though??
(Also this chapter may or may not have been written because of my personal frustration)

Love you guys
Take care

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