14 - dream world

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Aishani's pov

" Ahh ..stop Raghav it tickles" I said

"Then stop crying ..if you cry once more, I won't ever leave you. You'll have to stay with me forever" He said tightening his grip on me.

I was still sitting in his lap, his arms around me. Maybe it's been hours, but I seemed to lose track of time with him.

"That might not even be such a bad thing" I murmured to myself, hoping he wouldn't hear it.

Or hoping he would

"Huh? So the little one doesn't mind staying in my arms forever? Come then..temple is nearby only..let's make your wish true" he said playfully, although his eyes looked sincere

I hit him playfully on the chest so hoping that what he had said would come true ..maybe someday it would ..hopefully ..

"Little one? What are you thinking?" He asked burying his head in my neck..honestly it seemed like his favourite place.

"Oh no nothing, just about finding a new house" I said

You should've told him what you were really thinking.

Yeah sure, so that he thinks I'm a clingy freak

"Little one, I already have a house searched, if it's fine by you ,you can go see it tomorrow?" He said

Marry him

I thought the same thing. At least my subconscious and me agreed on something.

"Yeah of course" I said ...I mean if you're coming along with me then no problem ....I really only want to spend more time with you.

"okay then...it's getting quite late, do you want to leave Aishani?" He asked and I nodded, I was in no mood to listen to Danush's lectures again

We both went and I got on the bike. I actually wanted to hug his torso till there was no tomorrow, but I settled for just holding his shoulders.

We reached my house and I got down, I turned to face him. We both had the same look on our face

Even he doesn't want to leave us.

I couldn't understand one thing.. How is it that in such a short period of time, We can grow so close to a person that it hurts to part for even a short while. If you told me this a few weeks ago, I would've been perplexed..but now I do know why.

It's not about how much time you spend with them, it's about how you spend it.

And obviously with someone like Raghav you can't help but fall in love in a short period of time.

See you finally said it

About loving him? I think it's time I stopped denying it.

"Goodnight little one" He said in his ever so soft voice. He then stood and pulled me closer.

My eyes widened at this, was he going in for the kiss? Surely I wouldn't mind ..but could it be somewhere except for my house's front wall.

He looked at my lips for a long time and seemed to be debating something.

"Bye" he said kissing my forehead softly.

I'm a bit bummed it wasn't a real kiss... But I guess our first real kiss can be somewhere more personal

That is if he ever decides to kiss me at all.

And I went to sleep with the same thought.


"Aishani come here" he said in his husky voice

Pulling me closer to him, he whispered in my ear

"You know I love you , right?" He said in a way that made my heart skip.

We were just about to kiss when our son came into the room

"Mom, dad what are you doing?!!!" He asked, his die eyes wide.


I woke up looking around, realising it was only a dream.

What the hell? Had I really dreamt of Raghav at night ?? And our son? Where did he come from??

My gracious, love really makes a person mad


Ciao everyone!!
I'm sooooo sorry it was a short chapter
Like I told my phone has been confiscated and I can't do anything ..I thought I'll give you chapter than not give you one at all

Anyways love you guys


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