19 - Broken emotions

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Aishani's pov

I got on the bus and went to my house. It was a horrible feeling.. Having to go back to the place you had technically ran away from.

My ego was gnawing at my heart.. It wasn't allowing me to go back.. But I had to.. I had no other place to go.. And I couldn't keep it inside of me anymore..

My mother's husband had been snatched away from her.. And i can't believe I had come to love the man who did it... It was too much for me to bare.. But I had to tell it to them.. They deserved to know

I couldn't even imagine the look my mother will have on her face when I tell her this. All the possibilities were screaming in my head. Dhanush would slap me, no doubt. He would definitely tell me what a horrible decision I had made and how I should've listened to him instead.. But its late.. Way too late to regret anything now.

The bus dropped me off at the stop nearest to my house. Getting down, I walked to my house with what little was left of my emotionless self.

I stood in front of my house door, still contemplating on whether I wanted to go inside or not. I could just leave and stay in a hotel till I get a new place.. But they had probably already heard me come by the sound of the gate.

I pressed the bell sighing.. Knowing I had no other option.

I thought all my feeling wee gone, but the moment my mother opened the door, I feel into her arms crying.

"Aiyoo.. Aishu putta! Yentha aithu?(Oh dear.. What happened?)" My mother asked, pulling me in her warm embrace

"Eega yentha madkondu bandhya? (What did you do now?)" Dhanush asked looking at me. Monica came behind him and smacked his head angrily.

I told them the entire story.. As much as it hurt me to break the news to them.. They had to know..

My mother the whole time held a emotionless look

"Oh Aishani.. Its fine dear.. He wasn't good for you I guess" She said at last and I looked at her wide eyed

Here I was telling her how Raghav had killed her husband, but she was more concerned about the fact that Raghav wasn't the right match for me

"Amma what you're saying?! This girl no! If we hit her once she'll remember to not disobey me again" Dhanush said coming towards me, but Monica stopped him

"Dhanush please stop! Your aggression isn't helping anyone" She said

"Aishani.. Go upstairs dear.. You need to freshen up" Monica said, I gave her a fake smile and went upstairs. The moment the door closed, I was reminded of the time I talked to Raghav till late night.

Such nice times they were.. But I guess they were only beautiful lies..

I fell on my bed and probably screed myself to sleep


I was awoken by a knock on my door. From the sound of the bangles, it was most probably Monica.

I opened the door and she smiled at me and gave me my breakfast. She smiled again and left, probably understanding that I didn't want to speak to anyone.

I sent an email to Raghav, since he was still my head, stating that I wouldn't be coming today to the hospital, but it was a strictly professional one.

I went to open the curtains to my window, to see that Tarun was getting out of a car in my yard.

I rushed down, when I heard the doorbell ring.

Maya opened it to reveal Tarun, having an evil smirk on his face and holding a few papers in his hand

What did he want now?


Ciao everyone
How are you guys??
You'll most probably get an update everyday now since I'm at home for 2 more months!! All my exams have been cancelled so yeah
Take care
Love you loads
Ciao 😊 😊

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