15 - In his arms

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Aishani's pov

Dreaming about Raghav, I literally forgot I had to go to work.. I got ready in a hurry and left for my work. The thing is Raghav wasn't there yesterday the whole day, but I really hope he's there today.. Otherwise it'll be so boring.

On reaching the hospital, I immediately saw raghav's car, unknowingly I smiled at the fact, knowing that I won't be alone today.

Suddenly two strong arms creeped around me, enclosing me in them. I leaned in to the smell of my favourite scent.

Also of your favourite person.

That's why it's my favourite scent, you idiot.

"You're late, love" He said pulling me closer to him. It suddenly glowed to me that we were doing all of this backside of the hospital(I don't know if her bulb grew or mine) and on realisation, I quickly pushed him away.

"Yeah.. I kinda slept a bit too late." I said, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Oh..were you dreaming about me, love?" he asked in a teasing way, winking.

My eyes widened at the statement. How did he know? Maybe it was obvious from my blush when I told that I slept in?

"Oh so you were" he said, pushing my back on the car and trapping me between his arms. "What were we doing, love?" he said, my mind immediately went back to the moment. Why on earth did our son have to interrupt? I was just thinking of what would happen if he didn't interrupt, but I was brought back by his gasp

"I didn't know you had such a wild imagination, little one" He said, only then did I realise that I had said it out loud.

"Why don't you tell me what we would've done?" He asks. I push him away and ran inside the hospital, knowing well that if I stayed there, we would actually end up completing what we left incomplete in my dream.

That wouldn't be so bad..Why did you run away, you idiot?

Is there a way to shut your subconscious up?


Work was tiring today and especially annoying with my heart only yearning to see one person, who sadly, was completely booked with surgeries today.

I went to my car and stood there for a while, hoping that my eyes of Amber would finally come out. But alas, it doesn't seem so

Sighing sadly to myself, I opened my car door. But I felt a very familiar pair of hands wound around my waist pulling me flush against a hard chest.

"Where will you escape now, little one?" his husky voice breathed in to my ear

No where

And honestly, I don't think I wanted to escape anywhere. It seemed like my mind and body had found a hone in his strong as steel arms and refused to let go.

I leaned back into his chest and he brought me closer, snuggling his face in the crook of my neck. None of us spoke a word and that's when I realised, we didn't need to verbally speak. Our bodies understood each other's actions and our minds understood our thoughts.

It might not completely be wrong to say that I had never felt this contempt and truly I hadn't. This was the safest moment in my life. His arms seemed invincible and I felt protected. Safe. A feeling I hadn't felt since..

No don't go there.

Yeah I should focus on the present, I thought and looked back to smile at him when I was startled by a enraged voice

"AISHANI! What are you doing?!" I and Raghav turned our heads to the direction of the voice to see Danush along with Monica. Monica seemed like she was cringing at his loud voice.

"Why are you with him?" He asked, walking closer to me. Monica was trying to follow his speed, seemingly wanting to stop him.

"This is what you do at work?!" He asked raising his hand. My eyes widened at what he was going to do, I raised my own hand to block him but it wasn't necessary as Raghav had already caught his hand and pulled him by the collar

"How dare you raise your hand on her?!" He screamed at Danush.

"Raghav leave him... I thought his sense would come back to him but apparently he still wants to remain the same way. We can't do anything about that" I said pulling Raghav, leading him towards his audi.

"You said you had searched a house for me? Is it okay for the owner if I stay there today only?" I asked, not wanting to go back to my house and face my family again. The fact that my own brother thought so cheaply about me was heart wrenching and moreover, I am a fully grown adult and very capable of taking my own choices

"Yeah I'm sure he won't mind" Raghav said and drove me to the place.

I really wish no one had interrupted our moment.


Ciao everyone!!!
How are you guys??
My gracious I missed writing even though it was for such a short while..
How did you guys like the chapter?
And one more question: would you like for me to write some mature scenes or keep it strictly pg-13?...I'll do whatever you guys tell me to
Love you loads
Take care
Ciao 😊 😊

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