20 - Unexpected revelations

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Aishani's pov

Tarun held a few papers in his hand, smirking, as if he knew everything

"What do I want?" I asked him in a hostile tone

"Well well...I'll tell you, but why don't you put on the news first dearie?" he said in a fake sweet voice

Amaya, who was watching the tv, put on the news.

'Business mogul Raghav Thaiwar married to a surgeon from his hospital'

Hearing the news, my mother and brothers came out, but I was too shocked to pay attention to any of them.

Who was this girl?, jealousy rose within me. If he was already married then.. But.. I didn't see anyone else at the penthouse

Obviously it wasn't his real house you idiot

Did Tarun come all the way here to rib it into my face? Was I only a mistress for Raghav?

Unanswered questions danced in my mind. I would surely tear up.

But then I was hit with yet another possibility

It could be me.... But I hadn't married him.. Obviously it wasn't me

'We know the girl's name to be Aishani Pawar'

"Aishu?!" I heard my mother's screeching cry echo through the house.

I looked at Tarun almost wanting to punch him in the face

"What absolute non sense is this?" I said as Dhanush went near him to hold his collar.

"Its not non sense my dear, you have signed in this marriage certificate" he said showing me the certificate

Surely it wasn't true.. There.. There had to be some fraud in it.

My gaze went to the end of the page. Raghav's and my signatures were next to each other, bright and clear

I tried to look at the signature closely. Hoping, praying even that it was forged and I could find some loophole.. But there wasn't any.. It was exactly the same as my signature.

"Raghav is most probably on his way here, my dear. Why don't you discuss it with him?" Tarun mocked me.

I crashed down on the nearest couch.. I don't remember signing this.. I haven't signed it.. I'm sure.. I haven't signed a single thing in months.. It couldn't have been real..

I searched for the date of the certificate and it was April, of last year

Hell I didn't even know Raghav last year.. From where did I marry him??

I could here journalists cluttering into my yard.. But I couldn't pay attention to anything. I was only searching the answer to this.. At the least.. A solution?

Definitely there must be one.. I was lost in my world perplexed when I heard the doorbell ring.

I think Ma opened it and it was Raghav because I felt the couch sink next to me

"Aishani.. I don't know what it is.. I don't remember signing it.. I don't remember us going to registration office either" he said massaging the sides of his head

"Oh Raghav.. Didn't you make her sign it when she was drunk?" Tarun asked Raghav

"What?" Raghav asked him in disbelief. I stared at Tarun for a long time, before his words actually sunk into me

"You bastard!" I cursed at Raghav, but was interrupted by the sound of cameras flashing.

The reporters had got in and wouldn't shut up for heaven's sake

"Is it true that you both are really married?"
"Is it just a popularity gimmick?"
"Is she your first wife?"
"You've been spotted with her multiple times, how long have you been married to her?"

The last one caught my attention.
What the absolute hell? When did they spot me and Raghav together?

"Sir.. Are you both really married or.. Is this a prostitution case?" One reporter asked and my eyes went wide

"Oh no no.. Of course it isn't! In fact they were going to get married soon but seems like they were too impatient.. They eloped and already got married, isn't that right Raghav? Youngsters these days.." Tarun said smiling at the reporters

What The absolute heck was happening?


Ciao everyone
Bet you didn't see that coming😏😏
I'm so proud of myself seriously
And you know the curfew we'll have.. I mean it doesn't matter to me.. I live most of my life in isolation anyways
I guess having so many illnesses does benefit you sometimes
Hope you liked the chapter
Take care
Love you loads
Ciao 😊 😊

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