40 - After life

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Raghav's pov

I rush through the hospital corridors as soon as I see Aishu's message

God.. What nonsense has this girl written? Did she test positive for Nipah? Why is she so sure that she's going to die??

"Oh god Raghav! Where are you rushing off to?" I feel Sudheer, a friend of mine during my undergraduate years ask

"I need to ask the nurse where Aishani is!" I say

"Aishani! You're wife? She's in the isolation ward" he says

"Did she test positive?" I ask as dread fills me

"No she didn't.. I told her that, she didn't tell you?" He asks, and I feel relief swarming over me

"Oh wait.. I think she misunderstood what I said, I went to tell her that her test was positive for pregnancy, but I left in the between.. God! I put her in stress I guess" he says and my legs rock back as I hear his words

My little one.. Is pregnant?? But.. She still acts like a baby

Well, her body doesn't act like one though

I rush through the corridors again searching for Aishani as joy overfills me

No wonder she was nauseous and dizzy..My baby's pregnant.. I'm going to be a father

I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing that

Aishani's pov

I feel myself being put into a warm place, which feels like a lap

Is it dad? Am I in heaven?

I open my eyes slowly to find sweet ember eyes gazing at me

Wait a minute.. Dad doesn't have those eyes

"Raghav?.. Wait where am I? Is it the.. After life? Wait a second.. You're not dead are you?!" I asked

"Oh god little one.. We're still on earth! You gave me the biggest scare of my life" he said hugging me tightly

"I'm.. Alive?" I asked, "No.. I remember fainting! I remember dying! Even if I'm alive, why are you near me? I have Nipah! Move away!" I said pushing him to the other side

"Oh god you made women! You don't have Nipah!" he said sighing and rubbing his head

"But.. I had the.. Symptoms" I said, confused

"Those were actually the symptoms of pregnancy" the doctor in charge of the ward informs me

Oh pregnancy.. Wait.. PREGNANCY??!!

"Yeah.. Actually while doing your blood test they found that the levels of hcg(a harmone released during pregnancy that stimulates progesterone production) were high in your blood.. It is however only an early stage of pregnancy, around 1 week, so you must be careful" He says

"Little one, we're having a baby.. There'll be another little one in the house now" he says smiling

I'm becoming.. A mother?

I subconsciously put a hand on my stomach

There's a baby in there? Well.. Its probably still a blastocyst, but still

I glare at Raghav though, we've only been married for little over a week and he's already gotten me pregnant, I might sound like a witch, but I really wanted some more time alone with him

Guess I'll have to learn to share then


5 months later

"Baby.. You've gotten so big! You sure it isn't twins?" he asks, which is true, because I honestly look like I'm 8 months pregnant, I won't be surprised if it's triplets at this point

Alas, the ultrasound doesn't happen till around 20 weeks, and the time has finally come

I rub my stomach softly as another wave of nausea hunches through me, gosh this baby is draining the life out of me

"Come on, let's find out how many are in there" Raghav asks as he leans in to kiss me before we leave, I however, try to push my tongue into his mouth but he stops me

"We have an appointment to catch love" He says smirking softly

This is another one of the many things pregnancy brought along with it, as if I wasn't a horny dolphin already, I have started to feel even more horny now, Raghav is most definitely enjoying it though

"You'll get some later, I'm yours after all" He says pecking my cheek and walks away giving me a wink

God! This man likes teasing me way too much

I grab onto Monica's hand for support as she leads me down the stairs

I was growing huge day by day, and it was becoming quite difficult for Raghav to manage me and work at the same time, so Monica moved in with us, she however, stays on the second floor and rarely comes around, unless it is to help me

After her break up with Dhanush, she became quite closed off, even with her own brother and as for Dhanush, he left India and went back to Boston

He said he'll come after a few months to see me and will stay till the baby's born

Yeah, like that's not gonna be awkward at all

"I'm seriously thinking it might be twins" the doctor says as she puts the gel on me

"please be triplets" Raghav says holding my hand as I smack him in the head

"You're not gonna be the one pushing them out!" I say and angrily look at the monitor

I, however, wouldn't mind twins

"Well.. I don't think there's another baby, seems like only a single child for you, a very big and healthy one" The gynecologist says smiling at me

"We can always try again" He says smiling at me and I nod, this baby's going to be a pain to give birth to.. But I'm sure it'll be worth it when I hold it in my hand

Raghav puts an hand on my swollen belly and looks at me admiringly

I couldn't ask for anything more in my life

◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾THE END◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾

Oh my godddd!!!! I've finished the story!!
Oh god.. I'm gonna miss writing soooo much
I'll miss Aishav and everyone else 😢😢
I hope you guys have liked this book😅
A 2 part epilogue will be uploaded soon
Till then,
Love you loads
Take care
Ciao 😊 😊

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