29 - Blessing

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Aishani's pov

The whole day was spent with ma trying out all kinds of things on my face and body, saying "This will match the saree, that will match the saree"

Poor thing..She didn't know that I won't be wearing that saree

I had a big fear of my mother seeing me before I reach the mandap, so Monica found some old tradition that said that mothers can't see their daughters before and after the wedding

"Since we're doing the wedding in such a hurry.. I think we should at least follow the tradition" she said smiling sweetly, honestly I think ma was too tired to make any sense of it, so she agreed

So basically Monica will be doing my make up and Ma will only see me once I come down to the wedding hall for the muhurta (Auspicious time)

"Here's the set of jewellery I kept aside.. I don't think the things Ma picked will match your saree" Monica said after ma said and set them on my bed before leaving as well


"Ouch Monica.. That hurts" I say as she tries to untangle the twisted knots in my ever so wild hair

"Well.. You should've detangled it at home" She says as she tries to pull it into a braid for the moggina jade (jasmine braid)

 You should've detangled it at home" She says as she tries to pull it into a braid for the moggina jade (jasmine braid)

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"Well..We need to quickly get you into your saree.. By the way, which brother is doing your kanya daan?" She asks taking my saree out

Brother? Isn't kanya daan done by the father.. Oh wait nevermind

My eyes tear up at the fact that Dhanush is the one who's going to be doing it.. Before I would've been ecstatic, but he's changed so much.. I don't think I want to see his face today at all

"Ayush" I say and bite my quivering lips to make them stop shaking, at least Ayush didn't scream at me and degrade me

She frowns at that but covers it up regardless and helps me wear my saree

She frowns at that but covers it up regardless and helps me wear my saree

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Monica actually brought a lot of jewellery for me.. But I've never been the type of person to wear so much, but thankfully she understands this

I take a deep breath as she holds my arm and takes me towards the mandap..

The magnitude of the situation finally sets into me, I'll be Aishani Thaiwar from now on.. Who would've thought, that I would take the name of the very family I hated so much

As Monica takes me to the mandap, I feel everyone's eyes on me

I look up to meet ma's eyes, which are wide.. Clearly about my saree, Although she quickly changes it into a smile, I smile back at her, happy that at least someone understood me unlike Dhanush who stood beside her glaring at me

Looking at Raghav sitting beside the fire, all life comes back to me again, as all the bitter thoughts flood out of my mind and I feel the jittery excitement that I haven't felt in years

Monica helps me sit down next to Raghav and goes back to Dhanush's side

I turn to Raghav's side to see that he is looking at me, admiration in his gaze

"I love you" He says holding my hand, but before I can reply the pandit asks me to hold beetle leaves

He wears a sad smile on his face as he holds the leaves with me

Hey no baby, I love you too

However my feeling are soon forgotten as Tarun's face comes into view, that damn b*st*rd is the reason I'm in this situation in the first place

Finally its time for tying the knot, and I don't know why, as Raghav lifts the chain, My heart starts pounding quickly

I can feel my mother behind me, lifting my braid and Raghav tying 3 knots, all the while smiling

He takes a coin and keeps vermillion on my face making me a married women, tears flood my eyes as I realise that I'm married now

No longer do I have to listen to the chatter of my relatives saying who will marry a rape victim, I don't have to listen to anyone anymore.. Not Dhanush, not Ma.. No one

This marriage is indeed a blessing


Ciao everyone!!
Raghav and Aishani got married!!!
Yayy!! My babies grew up so quickly
*fake crying*
Hope you liked this chapter
Love you loads
Take care
Ciao 😊 😊

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