32 - Introverted minds

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32 -
Aishani's pov

"Wake up Aishu, please its time for work" I heard Raghav's sweet voice say

"Go away, I want to sleep" I said hugging my pillow tightly

"Little one.. You're sleeping on top of me.. I can't wake up" He said chuckling

Oh wait.. So this pillow is actually my husband?

I wake up and groan when I see that I slept hugging Raghav and not a pillow

"Sorry" I said as I got up but he held my hand

"Sorry for what?" He asked teasingly

"For.. For using you as my bed okay?" I said embarrassed getting away

"Its alright love.. I liked it.. In fact, we should do more than just that" He said, there he is, being a perverted husband again

I rolled my eyes at him and went on to take a shower

I heard couples shower together

Oh shut up, you stupid uterus! We have to go to work!

And my work is to make you ho-

"Little one, we still need to go on a honeymoon you know?" Raghav said while putting on his shirt

I have no idea how he just roams in front of me shirtless, like it doesn't bother him at all

"Can we go somewhere in Karnataka?.. Like ooty or somewhere.. I miss the place so much"

"Sure love" He said kissing my forehead and grabbing his keys, well, I guess we're a couple now.. No one minds us going together right?? Well.. I don't care


"Oh my gosh! You're married to our unit head??" I heard Prapthi scream,after I came with Raghav to the hospital, holding hands, all my colleagues bombarded me with question, eventually I just showed them my mangalsutra, which led to them gasping and hooting

"Well.. This calls for a celebration!" Ananya said.. I didn't really have any true friends here.. But I had good relation with all of them.. I guess they might consider me a friend.. But honestly, I'm fine being an introverted nerd

"Please Aishani! A party today evening! Please" They all started pleading and I had to agree

I guess it's fine.. Not that I like socialising.. But lets see if its any different with Raghav around

"We'll go ask Raghav sir.. He'll most definitely come!" They said and I left for the OT


"Why I'm having the time of my life!" I said, my tone dripping with sarcasm

I do not like people, don't like crowds, and most definitely DON'T like parties

Well at least there was someone I could nag to about how much I hate the homo sapien species

Perks of being married to another introvert I guess

"I know love" He said chuckling, I know we were the couple this celebration was going on for, but none of us were interested.. I was however, interested in something else

"Raghav.. Can I.. Ask you something?" I asked, anxious for his reply

"Yeah sure love.. What is it" He asked, placing his martini down

"I've never had alcohol before.. Can I.. I want to.. Have my first drink now" I said shyly looking away and tucking a strand of my hair behind

" Of course you can, Thank goodness you told me love.. At least it'll be in a safe environment "He said and went to get me something

He brought me, honestly I don't know what it was, but he said it had lower alcohol concentration

I took a sip of it, god it burnt my throat.. Its tastes so bitter.. People are addicted to this? My gosh.. Chocolates are much better anyways

But after a while I started to feel a bit boozy.. I guess this is what they mean when they say 'its starting to kick in'

I leaned my head on Raghav's shoulder for support as my medulla lost sense of balance

"I just gave you one cup and.." Raghav trailed off looking at my clumsy state

"Oh gosh Aishu.. We need to get you out of here" He said and pulled me towards the exit, apologising to our colleagues


"Come on Aishu.. You need to eat something..Just have dinner quickly and sleep" He said.

He had brought me into his penthouse, saying that his parent's house wasn't in the right state as of now, he had to carry me in like a baby because I can't walk for the life of me

"No.. Don't want to eat" I said pushing the plate away once more

"Baby please" He said caressing my hair like a baby, which is probably because that's what I was acting like

He'll be a good father
Should we find that out?

Oh shut up you stupid uterus!

"No.. I don't want to eat.. You look much better anyway.. I'll eat you" I said nearly jumping on him

I bit his neck, which made him freeze as his grip on me tightened

"You don't even know what you've just done, little one" he said as he pinned me to the door

Oh..What have I done?


Ciao everyone!!
Will we finally get some smut?
Idk.. I'm a cruel person😏😏

Lets see what happens in next chapter 😏😏
Anyways, till then
Take care
Love you loads
Ciao 😊 😊

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