23 - old memories

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Aishani's pov

"Yeah..but that's only when the marriage isn't forced" I sneer at him and push out of his grip

He wears an expression of pain on his face.. But really he has no right to feel that way..he's the reason this is happening.. He could've proposed normally..I would've said yes, but no..he had to do this

I go to the main hall, and am soon congragulated by a bunch of relatives, some I don't even know

"Why haven't you taken any photos of the couple?" I hear one of my aunts scream

At this, Ma grabs my hand and pushes me towards Raghav. He gives me a sad smile and hesitantly puts his arm around my waist, seeing if I move away

Don't worry my love..as long as we are in front of other people, everything is fine.. But once we're alone.. See what I'll do

"Please smile ma'am" the photographer asked me.

As if I can smile in a situation like this!

I tried to think of happy memories.. As much as I didn't want to think about it, the first thing that came to my mind was me riding Raghav's bike with my arms around his torso..

Tears started to sting my eyes at how happy things would've been.. The memory of us together, however, brought a smile to my face, one that I couldn't control

Raghav's pov

I don't know how things had worked out like this.. Clearly I didn't have any involvement with the marriage certificate.

It was Tarun's doing, that I knew. Although I don't know why he would do something so beneficial for me.. But then again, he probably thought it would ruin my relationship with My little one

Oh how wrong he was..

He has only given me a chance.. Basically made everything easier for me.. Although I know my little one is very angry at me for this.. I know it's something I can change

From the things that I found out, after I did a background check on what exactly had happened between her mother and Tarun..I couldn't help but think that it would come in between our love

Her mother would never accept our marriage.. And Aishu clearly loves her mother so much

If you had told me a few days ago, that I would have Aishu in my arms in a few days, with her wearing my ring.. Then I don't think I would've believed it..But apparently that's the way things have changed

My little angel is next to me, with my arm around her waist, tugging her closer to me. She has unknowingly leaned towards me and put her delicate palm on my chest.

The urge to kiss her is so much now.. I've been deprived of her delicate lips since yesterday

I can't wait for this to be over.. I just want to take her on my bike to our little hideout and kiss her

Probably also confess my undying love for her, and ask her how many kids she wants

Maybe we can actually elope before we get married and then have a ceremony.. Maybe we can have it after we have kids? And make them attend our wedding as well?

I'm broken out of my chain of thoughts by the feel of something familiarly soft pressing against my cheek, my eyes widen when I realise it Aishani's lips and the photographer asked her to kiss my cheeks for a photo

She quickly backs away looking flustered while all her cousins hoot and cheer.

Oh my sweet darling..If you look like this just by kissing me..then how will you react when we make love?


Ciao everyone!!
How was the chapter? Well..I guess it was kinda short but it's better than nothing
QOTD: which is your favorite #Aishav moment?
Mine's when Aish dreamt of him and then he asked her the next day about it 😉😉

Take care
Love you loads
Ciao 😊 😊

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