6 - New bonds

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Aishani's pov

No no no no no!! Please tell me.. This isn't true!!

3 hours ago

The phone rang and Ma picked it up with a smile seeing Danush's name

"Hello beta!" She said putting the phone on speaker

"Ma.. I landed in India" He said but his voice wasn't the happy cheerful voice I was used to

"Danush? I didn't know you're coming today! Oh gosh!" Ma said running to the God's room to bring a plate having vermilion in it.
(A/N: Its kind of a Hindu tradition to do aarthi of anyone who comes to the house after a long time in order to remove nazar or bad vision from them)

 (A/N: Its kind of a Hindu tradition to do aarthi of anyone who comes to the house after a long time in order to remove nazar or bad vision from them)

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(A/N: Ignore the wedding attire)
"Ma.. I'm.. Bringing someone with me.." Danush said. My and mom's eyes widened at that

"What? Who are you bringing?" Mom asked

"Your future daughter-in-law" Danush didn't even get to complete the sentence and mom already let out an excited squeal and screamed in happiness

"Finally someone decided to man-up" Ayush said rolling his eyes

I glared at him. Yes.. I'm protective of my brother ok? Although not as much as he is of me

"Bring my sose (Daughter-in-law) home safely.. Ok?" My mom said

"What about me?" Danush asked

"Who cares about you!" Mom said and ended the call with a fit of laughter

After sometime.. The doorbell rang. Mom and I rushed to open the door

On opening the door, mom asked them to wait and removed their aarthi and asked them to come in with right leg

She's acting like they're already married..

I immediately went to hug Danush and then introduced myself to my future sis in law

"Hey.. Uh.. I'm Monica" She said extending her hand but I pulled her into a hug

"Well.. I'm happy she's Indian.." Ma said

Monica went and took ma's ashirvad

"May you live happily forever child" Ma blessed her

Ayush went to give Danush a bro hug

"Finally found Mrs. Danush!" Ayush said to him

"What about your parents dear?" Ma asked her

"I'm an orphan Aunty.. I don't have parents" Monica said and Danush tightened his grip on her waist

"Its Ma for you not aunty" Akansha ma said smiling at her and pulling her closer

"So.. Mrs. Monica Danush—" Ayush began but Danush elbowed him in the stomach to which he let out a painful cry

"Actually my full name is.. Monica Thaiwar"

Present ~~~~~~

No no no no!! Why??

I looked at her with eyes widened. Ayush stiffened in his place and Ma looked at her in shock

"You.. Know your last name?" Ma asked gripping the sofa for support

"Actually.. I wasn't always an orphan.. My mother wasn't in a stable condition to raise me.. She used to work as a maid in a house.. One day the owner of the house got to know that I was getting bullied by the children because I didn't have a father.. So he used to come in place of my father for certain events .. Later when my mother gave me up for adoption.. She said my last name as that kind man's last name.." She said and I collapsed in my seat out of relief

"Does that kind man.. Happen to be Tarun Thaiwar?" Ma asked her clenching her fists.

"Uh.. Yes" Monica said softly

"There's nothing kind about that man" Ma said quietly and Monica stared at her in confusion

"Uh.. Danush.. Why don't you both go to your room? Must be tired right?" I said trying to change the topic.. Because I knew well that if I let this continue then hell would break lose.

"Their room? No.. You go to your room and show Monica her room" Ma said and Amaya snickered.

"Uh.. Yeah of course" Danush said and took Monica along with him

"At least.. She isn't related to him in any way" Ma said sighing in relief

"I was more scared if he had fallen in love with his half-sister or something" I said and Ayush nodded in agreement

"Well.. I guess they're a nice couple" Mom said smiling

And I nodded in agreement.. Happy for my big brother

Gosh..let things always be happy


Ciao everyone
My gosh.. Almost gave you guys a heart attack I think😂
I think we've had enough Thaiwar's.. We don't need more
I'll try to get the next chapter out today itself
Till then,
Take care
Love you loads
Ciao 😊😊😊😊

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