21 - Twisted way

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Aishani's pov

"They'll have their engagement tonight.. It was actually scheduled for next week.. But seems like they were a bit too eager." Tarun said smiling at the camera

"It will be at my bungalow in Secundrabad" He said and it seems the reporters were satisfied as they slowly started to leave

"So my darlings.. Get ready for your engagement" Tarun said giving us a smug face

Seems like that was the breaking point for mom as she immediately lunged forward and slapped Tarun

"Aiyyo paapi.. (You cruel person)..You ruined my life already.. Now you ruined my daughter's also?!" She asked holding his collar

"Oh dear Akansha.. Lets maintain some distance shall we? I'm already married to someone else my dear" he said smirking, removing ma's hands.

Dhanush and Ayush too seemed enraged

"Anyways Aishani and Raghav spent a night together.. None of us know what they have done.. So it's better they get married, right?" He said with that same smirk on his face

The nerve he has!

"Wait what? Aishani?!" Dhanush said as he came towards me

"Ninge muchkondu maneli eroke agalva? (Why can't you just keep quiet and stay at home?!)" He said as he advanced to do the one thing I'm so tired of

"Stop it! It's enough! It's My Life.. I'll do whatever I want.. First of all there's so many problems! Don't come to teach me" I said as I literally lost all control I had

Raghav's pov

Seeing my Aishani face such an inner turmoil was breaking me.. But what broke me more was that I caused this

Tarun shouldn't ever have gotten to know about her.. Then perhaps this wouldn't happen

The certificate is clearly fake.. I wouldn't ever force Aishani into something she doesn't want.. But its already too late

The entire media knows about this.. Even if this certificate comes out as fraud, Tarun has lied to them and ensured that we don't get an escape to this

Aishani broke down on the couch as she fell down on it crying. Her hair fell over her sides, acting as a cover. She didn't want us to see that she was crying.. But she couldn't control it anymore.

My heart ached to see her like this. She immediately ran upstairs

I knew she needed space.. But I couldn't leave her like this

She ran to her room and was about to close it, but I got inside and closed the door.

Before she can say anything else, I pinned her hands above her head to the door and closed her mouth with the other hand

Aishani's pov

"Aishani.. Please listen to me this once.. I really don't know where that certificate came from.. I don't expect you to believe me.. But I really didn't do it.. I can't see you like this.. Please.. I'll give you whatever you want.. We can get divorced after 6 months if you want.. Believe me.. We'll find a way out of this" He said with so much pain in his eyes that I only hurt more.

Only then I realised the proximity we had, My breast were pressed against his hard chest and our faces were so near

I tried to push him away, he too realised it and left me

He gave me one last sad look and left my room

I couldn't believe this.. A part of me was secretly happy that we were getting married

I couldn't believe this.. I was way too twisted and so was he

And we were perfect for each other in our own twisted way


Ciao everyone!!
I'm so sorry.. This is most probably the last update you'll see for a few weeks
My blood sugar level shot down really low yesterday, since I didn't go for my regular check up
I can barely stay awake anymore.. So yeah sorry
Hope you liked the chapter
Love you loads
Take care
Ciao 😊 😊

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