Parralel universe

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Tom's pov

I really don't know what to think about this, this story is so weird. A mission, a giant robot and Tord in a army. Our Tord had already told us about him beeing in a army and about his mission. But this Tord said that he wanted to kill me but why should he do something like this, i know that we never had been friends before, but me and Tord were never such big enemies that we wanted to kill eachother. A giant robot? I never saw him on a giant robot and never shot him with a harpoon. He also said that our House was destroid and that a neighbor died that just doesn't make any sense. Maybe he just had a bad dream or something or he is just a crazy person with weird imaginations. But that wouldn't explain why he look's so similar to our Tord. ,,What happend then" I asked still thinking that he is just crazy. ,,My soldiers drove me back to my army and everything was normal then after a time i decided to make a new plan to take over the world by building a new Maschine. The Maschine then made weird noises as i was almost finished with building it, and then as i went near it to look what the problem was, it exploded. I fell to the ground and everything went black. As i woke up my soldiers started to act strange by saying that i betrayed them by not doing the Mission and that i stayed with you guy's. Lastly i ran away because they wanted to kill me, and that was the moment were i met you at the park". He ended up explaining with guilt and shame showing in his face. So the things changed for him after the Explosion...could that mean that...,,HOLY PENCIL SHARPENER IN A TOASTER, YOU ARE IN A PARALLEL UNIVERSE" I shouted with my eyes wide open.

Tord's pov

,,I am in a what?" I asked confussed. ,,Ok i am going to explain this to you as best as i can. We are all in a big and endless multiverse and in this multiverse are different dimension were we life in. Every dimension is different than the other and has his own timeline. The timeline represents everything that happeneds in our life and is also followed by other timelines, because our timeline changes every time when we make a different decision in our life and changes then over to the other timeline. There are more or less different dimensions depending at the choices in your life. And this for example is a dimension were the incident with your giant Robot didn't happend and for some weird reason you somehow landed here in this dimension were you actually shouldn't be". My eyes widen, i can't belive what i just heard. The other Tord looked also as shooked as me. ,,How have you done this?" The other Tord asked surprised. ,,I honestly don't know" I responded back confused. ,,I've been wondering, do you like the things i like, like bacon, hentai and guns?" The other Tord asked me with a smirk on his face. ,,Yes of course there is nothing better than these three things. Now i want to question you something, are you and Tom friends?" I asked now. ,,Yes we are friends, firstly we hated eachother but after a time Edd couldn't stand our fighting anymore and locked us together in a closed. I thought that we would kill each other in the closed but after some talking  we actually began to like each other. And how about your dimension or whatever you call it, were you two friends before the incident at some point or so?" The other Tord asked me back. ,,No, we never really were friends, we hated eachother and if he would see me right now he would probably tear me apart" I said with tears starting form in my eyes but the others didn't noticed it. There was now silence for a few minutes until Tom spoke up ,,Why did you lied to us and akted like you were our Tord?" Tom asked a little angrily while pointing at me. ,,Because i firstly didn't even knew that this wasn't my dimension and secondly i wanted my friends back. But i guess it will never happen because of the stupid incident. I wish that i could had made the right choice like your Tord had done but it is now too late for me" I told them with tears running down my face, and as soon as i finished my last sentence i couldn't hold myself back anymore and began to sob uncontrollably. The others frowned and Edd came near me and hugged me to calm me down. ,,I know that you probaly had made a big mistake, but i am sure that your friends will forgive you for that because you now realised how big the mistake was and this is for sure a big step in the right direction" Edd said calmly to me and it actually worked to calm me down. ,,But how do i get to my old dimension?" I asked while looking at them all. ,,I don't know, but there should be a solution to this problem that we have to find out first" Edd responded at my question. ,,Could i maybe stay here until we find a solution?" I asked kindly. ,,Of course!" Edd answerd with a bright smile across his face. I looked around and the others nodded and also smiled, agreeing to Edd's answer. I smiled back, i was so happy to be with them it is just like old times even though it isn't my dimension. We all finally watched the Movie and chated a bit after the movie ended. We later went to a really good restaurant and walked then a bit while looking at the pretty sunset.

It all started with a ExplosionWhere stories live. Discover now