Quarrel and reconciliation

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Tord's pov

,,Well then, let's eat the waffles i guess" I said. The others nodded in agreement and we went to the kitchen. Everyone grabbed a plate, silverware and got a waffle, then we sat down at the kitchen desk. I looked around and noticed that everybody sat here at the table except Edd. Tom also noticed that Edd wasn't here and looked a little sad before he spoke. ,,I am going to ask Edd if he wants to eat a waffle, ok" Tom said with a little smile again and rushed upstairs while we waited for them to come back.

Opposite Tom's pov

I went to Edd's room and opend the door. He was sitting on his bed listening to edgy rock musik and was not taking his eyes from his phone. He probably didn't even noticed that i opened his door. I stepped inside his room and tried to make eye contact with him before i spoke to him but he didn't even bothered to look up from his phone ,,Hey Edd do you want to eat a waffle with us?" I asked him politely. ,,No way" He responded anoyed and was still not taking his eyes from his mobile phone. ,,Come on Edd it's more fun when you are there with us" I said while smiling and tried to convince him as best as i could. ,,Just leave me alone" he raised his voice a little and sight right after. ,,Please" I pleaded still trying to convince him. ,,NO. NOW LEAVE MY ROOM AND STOP ANOYING ME " Edd yelled while looking at me with an angry glare. I was shocked because he never yelled at me, i didn't mean to make him angry or upset i just wanted him to have a little fun with us in the kitchen. Tears started welling my eyes and then runned down my face. I looked away for a second so that Edd didn't noticed that i was crying and tried to wipe away my tears but the tears keept on running down my face. I gave up and faced him with my face full of tears ,,I'm sorry for anoying you. I didn't mean to make you angry" I apologized while i tried to swallow back my sobs so that i didn't sounded that sad, but my voice still cracked at the last word that left my mouth. Edd just looked at his phone but as soon as he heard my voice crack he looked me in my face and dropped his phone on the ground. He stared at me concerned and even looked a little guilty after what his yelling did to me. I didn't wanted to make things worse for him or even to upset him so i just stormed out of his room with tears still running down my face. Edd just sat there not even moving a little bit while he was watching every step i took out of his room. He sat there speechless and full of regret.

Tord's pov

Tom came back after twenty minutes with red and puffy eyes. He looked like he had been crying, even the others noticed it instantly. ,,Hey Tom what happend?" I asked softly while i was rubbing his back to comfort him. ,,Don't worry guys i'm alright" Tom said in a kind of sad tone. Matt came near Tom now. ,,Tom you clearly aren't alright, please tell us why you are so upset" Matt said while looking him in his eyes and holding his left shoulder. ,,Alright....I asked Edd if he wanted to come to the kitchen to eat waffles with us and he said no. I kept on insisting so that he would come but he still said no until he finally snapped at me and told me to stop anoying him and to get out of his room" Tom explained with tears in his eyes. ,,It's ok Tom you know that Edd can be grumpy and moody sometimes, just ignore his behavior" Matt told him still with his hand on his shoulder and gave him a little smile. We heard footsteps coming from upstears and it was Edd who was coming down with regret and guilt all over his face. Edd came to Tom with his hands in his hoodie pockets and apologized for his bad behavior ,,Tom i'm sorry it's just that i can be a huge d#ck some times. I actually like you and the fact that you care about me but i can't appreciate it, because i think that you guys don't like me because i am always sad and down but that's just how i am." Edd explained to Tom. ,,Edd don't think that we don't like you because we do and if you want some time for yourself we understand it" Tom told him kindly and the others nodded in agreement. Edd then gave Tom a hug even though he didn't really seemed like someone that likes to hug others. ,,I am so sorry i never wanted to make anyone of you upset" Edd apologized now with a few tears running down his face. They broke the hug and smiled at each other. ,,Let's eat now" Edd said while wiping away his tears and giving Tom a smile, Tom smiled back and nodded in agreement. We all sat down at the kitchen Table again, but this time we were complete. We ate the waffles and it was pretty delicious. ,,Wow that's really delicious" I said and the other nodded and smiled at me. ,,So who are you actually and where are you coming from?" Edd asked me now with a confused look on his face. ,,I am Tord from a different dimension as i told you all before but this isn't my whole story. Actually this all began...." I told him who i was and explained everything that happened until i got into this dimension to them all. The others looked at me in disbelive as soon as i was finished with my explanation on how i got here. ,,Well we are going to see if you really are actually Tord. The DNA test should be ready by now" Matt said while standing up and then going to his lab. Edd went to the fridge and pulled out a Pepsi. I stared at him ,,You don't drink cola?" I asked with wide eyes. ,,What do you mean by that i never dranke cola, i actually hate that stuff and would never drink that" Edd responded. I knew that i was in a different dimension but i was still shocked i mean Edd is the biggest cola lover this can't be him, it is like everyone is not their usual selves or even like a whole new person. What kind of dimension could this be. It seemes like everyone is the opposite of themselves. WAIT! That's it! They are the opposite version of themselves. ,,Are you ok Tord you look kinda pale?" Edd asked me as i was spacing out. I nodded and acted like everything was ok even though i was a little overwhelmed at that thought.

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