Fighting for peace

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Tord's pov

Me and my friends chated for a bit, i told them why i am here in this dimension and we had a great time just beeing together. Until i noticed that Tom was really silent. ,,What's wrong Tom?" I asked him. He responded after a minute of silence ,,We have to find a way to protect ourselves from the red leader, because he will come back for us" He said in a serious voice. But i also noticed that he was scared because he was slightly shaking. Well actually after what he just said we all started to get also a little afraid of what is going to happen. We need to think of a good way to defend ourselfes because when the other Tord is going to arrive here with his army then he is probably going to imprison or even killing us all. We sat there in silence and thought about what we should do. As i putted my hands in my hoodie pockets i noticed that i still had the gun that the soldier gave me when i escaped from the army together with my friends. I grabbed the gun with my right arm and pulled it out of my hoodie pocket and just looked at it while i was thinking about our next step. After a few minutes i've putted the gun right back in my hoodie pocket. ,,Should we find a better hiding spot?" Matt asked. ,,No, we can't run away forever, we have to fight against them!" I demanded. ,,But how? They are to many to fight against" Edd asked while looking at me with despear in his expression. ,,We have to be good prepared. We need to find guns, make bombs and we need to make traps around the mall" I demanded with confidence. The others agreed with my plan to fight against them and together we went to a gun Shop in the Mall. Everyone grabbed some good guns and then we were going to build bombs. I learned from the army how to make bombs but the others didn't knew how to do it, so i showed them how to do it step by step and they followed my steps carefully and did it without blowing up the whole place. Then we grabbed some cameras from a store and installed them outside the Mall to see when the soldiers are arriving. Lastly we set some traps outside the Mall and some at the frontdoor, backdoor and even at the Windows, so if someone gets inside he is going to either die or get caught. Some traps are trapdoors that will lead to spikes and some other traps activate the bombs that we made. But there are also some harmless traps like nets that just caught the soldiers. After we were done with setting everything up for our plan we were actually really proud of our work and celebrated it a little with snacks and drinks that we took from a store. But it was a short celebration because we were actually really tired from setting everything up the whole day and went soon after asleep in our sleeping bags that we took from a store that has camping supplies. It was the next day and i slowly woke up and realized that i was the first person beeing awake, but the others soon woke up after me. We were ready to fight, we only needed to wait until they arrive at this place. We chated a little and after a hour we saw many figures moving in the monitor screen from the camers and then we were sure that the other Tord and his army were coming. All the soldiers stormed in through the doors and the windows immediately and as soon as they took a step in, the traps were activated and many soldiers died from the traps that were everywhere around the Mall. All the traps were activated in less that a minute and dead bodies and blood flew everywhere around the whole Mall, but the traps weren't enough, there were still soldiers storming inside the Mall. Now we pulled out our guns and tried to shoot them all until we thought there was no one left. But unfortunately we got caught from soldiers that sneaked behind us as we were busy shooting the soldiers that were in front of us. They grabbed us, tied us up and stoled our guns. And then if that wasn't bad enough, the red leader came. ,,Surprised to see me again? Oh look at you poor people trying to fight against the leader of this world" he said with a smirk on his face. We looked angrily at him ,,What do you want from us?!" I asked him sternly. ,,I want nothing from your friends. I only want you Tord" the other Tord said while looking at me. ,,Me?! But why?" I asked confused but still sternly. ,,All this traps and all the people you had killed, i need you in my team. Join me and i will leave your friends in peace. But if you refuse, then your friends will die slowly and in pain" the other Tord said smirking like a psycho. I thought about it for a moment and i knew that i had no other choice, i need to save my friends. ,,I will join you if you let them go" I said sternly. The other Tord looked gave me a evil grin ,,Come to me, you now belong to the Leader of this world" he said, still with a wide evil grin on his face. But as i started to walk towards him i noticed that i still had the gun that the soldier gave me when we escaped in my hoodie pocket. That was my Chance. I walked further towards the other Tord until i stood in front of him. Then i've putted my hands in my hoodie pockets as unnoticeable as possible to grab the gun. He stared at me and as he began to laugh, because he thought that he won, i pulled out the gun and bang...

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