Still not home

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Tord's pov

I woke up and looked around, hoping that i was this time in my dimension. But as soon as i looked around i saw that the room that was supposed to be my lab was looking a bit different than in the dimensions i was in before. The room was still a lab, but it wasn't looking like my lab. I stood up to take a closer look at the things in this unfamiliar lab and then realized that there was a letter from Paul and Patryk laying on a white table in the right corner of the room. It said: Dear soldiers, you need to build the Maschine to take over the world faster, because we need it for our plan's tomorrow. From your leader's Paul and Patryk. Leader's! That's weird why should they be the leader's of this army, they never really seemed to like leading an army. I once asked them if they would take my leader place if i get sick or something, but they never wanted to do it, because they think that it is to much responsibility to handel for them. Well, i guess i am not back in my dimension once more. I need to find a better way to get back into my dimension because if i keep on switching dimension like this then i guess that my chances to land into my dimension are very low to even impossible. And that's not the only problem, it could be possible that i get killed in a different dimension or that i get stuck in a dimension because i can't build the Maschine to switch dimensions for whatever reason... But how do i find a better way to land into my dimension without any risks? I heard footsteps coming closer to the door of this room. A soldier came in with blond short hair an an angry expression on his face, he looked at me confused and then angrily again. He came towards me and grabed my arm. I tried to get free but his grip was to strong, as much as i bite, kicked and hitted him, he keept his grip on me and draged me to my old room that was in this dimension labeled as 'the office from Paul and Patryk' at the door. He opened the door and pushed me into the room, i immediately saw Paul and Patryk sitting there in front of me behind a desk and looking at me weirdly as soon as they saw me. After that the soldier also went into the room, closed the door behind him and just stood in front of the door so that i wasn't able to get out of the room. ,,I found this guy in the lab sir's!" the blond soldier said sternly ,,Who are you? Are you a spy or something?" Paul asked in a softer voice than usual, and for once Paul hadn't had a cigarette in his mouth. ,,Answer the question! Say who you are!" Patryk demanded now sternly. Weird, usually he is not the type of guy who yells or gets mad that easily. I was so deep in thoughts about their unusual behavior that i spaced out ,,ANSWER!!!" Patryk yelled inpatient. I flinched, because of the unexpected yell. ,,Don't you reconize me?" I asked them, to see if they know me in this dimension. ,,No. We don't know you, sorry" Paul responded after thinking for a second. I letted out a short sigh  before i spoke again ,,My name is Tord and i come from a different dimension. I don't belong here and i just wanted to go back to my dimension, but then i landed here accidentally. So please let me go, so that i can go back to my dimension" i pleaded and hoped that they would let me go. ,,Did you really thought that we would believe your stupid story? Well to bad for you because we don't belive this garbage. So, enough with your lies, now tell me the real reason why you are here!" Patryk demanded sternly. ,,I already told you the real reason why i am here, you need to believe me. Please let me go out of here so that i can go back" I pleaded once again. ,,Yea, i guess you could go" Paul said kindly. ,,ARE YOU SERIOUS PAUL!? HOW COULD YOU BELIVE A STORY LIKE THIS! IF YOU REALLY WANT TO RULE THE WORLD BY MY SIDE, THEN YOU NEED TO BE STRICTER AND NOT LETTING YOU GET FOOLED BY LIES LIKE THIS!" Patryk snapped at Paul while facing him with an angry expression on his face. I wanted to run away while they were arguing if they should set me free or not but unfortunately the blond soldier still stood in front on the door and was looking at me the whole time. I also had no way to get out of there, so i had no other choice then to just wait and hope for the best. After they had finally stopped arguing they decided to let me go, because Paul said that i am just a confused guy that also doesn't looks like having bad intentions in the army. I was so glad that they were going to set me free again. I thanked them and Patryk just nodded back at me with a serious expression while Paul gave me a little smile. I smiled back at him of course because thank's to him i have a chance to get out of there. The blond soldier stepped aside and opened the door for me. I started to walk towards the door but then stopped and turned around to face them because a question popped into my head ,,Paul, do you still smoke?" I asked him curiously because i noticed that he hadn't had a cigarette hanging out his mouth the whole time and normally he is smoking almost every minute in my dimension. He was looking confused at me ,,What do you mean? I never smoked in my entire life" He responded confused. I just shook my head and said ,,Nevermind". As i walked out of the office i thought about how i am going home now. I needed to go to the lab but i can't just sneak back into the lab or else the soldiers are going to get me again. I walked back into the office and faced them again ,,Can i please go to the lab for maybe five minutes so that i can go back to my dimension? I ain't going to make something bad, i promise." I asked them with puppy eyes. ,,No way, go home or whatever place you are going to, but if i see you here in the army once more than i am going to kill you without hesitation" Patryk told me sternly. I nodded because i knew that it wasn't a good idea to argue with him about it, and just started to walk out of the office again. Paul waved a goodbye at me and i waved back before i was fully of the office again.

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