My happy end

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The next morning

Tord's pov

I woke up from the sun that was shinning through the room. I rubbed my eye, looked to my side and realized that the other Tord wasn't in his bed or even in his room, but i just shrugged it off. I went over to the washing machine, took my now good smelling clothes and changed into them. After that i put the pyjama back to the other Tord's room and then went downstairs. I saw that Edd and the other Tord were watching tv and that Tom was in the kitchen, so i went across the living room and said hi to Edd and Tord. Then i made my way straight to the kitchen and saw Tom as he was making Pancakes ,,Good morning Tom. Have you seen Matt?". I  greeted with a smile and then asked him. ,,Oh hi Tord Good morning. No i haven't seen him so far, he didn't showed up since he went to his lab again. He's probably working on something really cool and futuristic" Tom said without taking his eyes from the Pancakes. I decided to go back to the living room and watched tv with the others, as i was hoping for Matt to come back anytime soon with a solution for my problem i heard footsteps coming near the living room. It was Matt walking towards us with a thing hidden in his hands. ,,Good morning guys, i finally made it. I build a thing that can get Tord back to his dimension!" Matt said with exitement and opened his hands to reveal a device that looked like a wrist watch. It was black and showed the time like a normal watch but it also had a tiny red Button under the display of the time. ,,It works like that, you put it on like a wrist watch and press this Button so then this opens. -The top opened and revealed a blue Button on the inside and a other bigger display above it with the number 233. It also had four arrows besides the blue button, one arrow was on the right side and pointed to the right, the second arrow was on the left side and pointed to the left, the third arrow was above the button and pointed upwards and the last arrow was beneath the button and pointed downwards-. When it opens you can either choose the number of the dimension you want to go with these arrows. (He showed me how i could select the number combination i wanted for my dimension, for that he pressed the up arrow to show me that the number goes up and the down arrow to show me that the number goes down. He also pressed the right arrow to show me how to select the next number on the display, than he spoke again.) Or you can press the blue Button to say in which dimension you want to go or in this case just say 'take me back to my dimension' " Matt explained to me and gave me the device right after he was finished with explaining. I took the device from him and hugged him a second after i took it. I couldn't stop thanking him for the help he just gave me. I was extremely happy, i finally can go back to my dimension. I pulled away from the hug and looked him happily in his eyes, but my smile faded as soon as i saw how tired he looked, he even had bags under his eyes. ,,Haven't you slept last night?" I asked him worriedly. He looked back at me and shook his head ,,I saw how upset you were that you couldn't go back to your dimension and so i wanted to make this as fast as possible for you so that you could live your life in the dimension were you belong again. That's why i haven't slept last night, but don't worry because that was it totally worth it" He said calmly to me with a smile on his face. Tears began welling up in my eyes because of how much he helped me, and the fact that he hadn't even slept just to make this device for me made it harder for me to hold back my tears. ,,I can't thank you enough.." I said while hugging him again. ,,You don't have to thank me it was a pleasure to help you out with this. Do you want to eat Breakfast with us before you go?" I nodded and we went all to the kitchen to have our last breakfast together before i go. We chatted for a bit and i tried to enjoy our last moments together. After we were finished with eating the breakfast i thanked and hugged everyone fo their kindness and their help and put on the device. I was ready to finally go home. ,,Take me back to my dimension" i said and watched as there was a glowing blue light around me for a second before i was back in my lab. I looked around and it seemed like this was really my dimension. Soon Paul and Patryk went storming inside the lab with tears running down their faces and hugged me. ,,Tord where were you? You were gone for almost two months" Patryk said while hugging me tighter. ,,We thought you runned away or something" Paul continued. ,,I have missed you two too and don't worry i'm fine now" I responded now crying like them because of how much i missed them, and hugged then tighter as well. I stayed with them for a couple of hours and they kept on asking me where i was. I really wanted to tell them the truth but i knew that it wasn't possible because they would never belive me this and maybe even think that i have gone insane, so i just told them that i needed a break and stayed at my cousin's house. They thankfully believed me and weren't angry at me for leaving without saying anything. ,,So, i am going now, see you later guys" I said to them. They both told me goodbye and then i heeded out to the park, hoping that my old friends were there so that i could apologize to them. After a little search for them i finally saw them. I was shaking and really nervous, but i still got all my courage together and walked behind them. ,,Hello guys!" I said still a little nervous. They all turned around with surprised expressions on their faces. ,,Tord is that really you?...." Edd asked me surprised, he didn't looked happy to see me again but he also didn't looked like he despised me after what i did. I nodded and smiled nervously at him. Tom was angrily glaring at me and Matt was confused about the situation as always. Tom grabbed me by the hoodie collar ,,WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU STUPID COMMIE" he yelled with pure anger at me. I began to cry and as soon as he saw my face full of tears he let me go and looked weirdly at me. ,,I am so sorry for the things i did. You are the best friends a person could have, but i was to dumb to realize that. I wanted to rule the world so bad that i lost the best people in my life....I am so sorry....I wish i would have never done this....I wish i would have died by the Explosion.....I can't live without you...." I told them while sobbing. I was sobbing harder now and more tears were bursting out of my eyes. Edd was looked concerned at me and put his hand on my shoulder and Tom was surprised of my reaction, because he never saw me like that. Edd hugged me and rubbed my back and Matt was also trying to comfort me by telling me that everything is going to be alright. ,,Don't worry you can be our friend again, everything will be fine" Edd said to me now in a soft tone. I smiled, thanked Edd and Matt and hugged them. After a few minutes we broke the hug. Just to face a furrios Tom. ,,ARE YOU SERIOS EDD AFTER ALL THAT HE HAS DONE YOU STILL WANT TO BE HIS FRIEND AGAIN!" Tom yelled extremely furious. ,,Yes Tom i want him to be our friend again because we all make mistakes sometimes and i know that he is truely sorry. Don't worry Tom this time we make sure that this will never happen again" Edd told Tom politely. ,,Come with us Tord, we are going to make sure that thing's are getting better for all of us." I smiled at him ,,Thanks" i said. ,,You're welcome" he responded and returned the smile.

From there on thing's went just like old times, we went on adventures, chatted and laughed with each other, we watched movies together and i was glade that i could be with them again. I still had some fights with Tom but i didn't minded it that much. I left the Red army and Paul and Patryk are now leading the army together even though i had a hard time convincing them to do so. They didn't minded it that much that i left the army but they wanted me to visit them sometimes and of course i visit them, up to ten times a month and even though they aren't my soldiers anymore, they still are my friends and they always will be. I also think that the army is in better hands now because everytime i visit them they are doing a great job at leading the army and for that i am super proud about them. It truly was a great decision to let them lead the army because that way i can stay with my friends forever.

The End

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