Getting the key

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Tord's pov

It was silent for about five minutes. I saw the other Tord with a serious look right into his eye and he did the same. My old friends were staring at me and the other Tord in disbelive. Nobody was moving until the other Tord started laughing. He was laughing like a maniac. ,,Ok Tord i belive you. You look like me and you know my story, so it could be that you are me" he said smirking. He thought for a secound before speaking again. ,,So tell me why are you here? Do you want to join me." He said with an evil smile. ,,No, i am here because i want to set my friends free!" I responded seriously. ,,Just tell me why you want to set them free. They never cared about you, don't you know that they want you dead and love to see you suffer. Don't you remember the incedent, where Tom had shoot us with a harpoon...But now look at me i am the red leader and the ruler of this world. Don't you enjoy seeing the world in our hands. This was our goal Tord, this is a dream that came true-" I cut the other Tord off ,,That was all in the past, now i see the mistake i had made. The incedent should had never happend... I was in a other dimension and it was amazing hanging out with my friends. That was the Moment where i knew that i can do whatever i wanted in that dimension i could've even killed them, but that wasn't my goal because from that point on i knew that if i wanted to be happy i needed to be together with my old friends. Yes, i could rule the world but this would never fill the gab that i have inside of me. You can rule the world, but i know very well that you are still going to feel lonly inside" I said sternly. The other Tord was looking disguisted at me ,,I can't belive how stupid and weak you are. I am ashamed that you are supposed to be me" he said looking now disapointed and disgusting at me. ,,But don't worry i am going to make a man out of you. Join me and i am going to make you powerful and a good leader like me" he said smirking. I shook my head looking serious at him. ,,I dare you, if you don't do what i say then...I am going to kill Tom, Edd and Matt and you will be the one that is pulling the trigger. So better join me now!" he said with an evil smile. My old friends looked afraid and were shaking. I thought for a moment before i sighed and nodded my head. I need to do this for them, for my old friends or else they are going to die. ,,perfekt" the other Tord said with a wide evil grin. ,,Now Follower me!" he demanded. He went outside the room and i followerd him as he demanded, taking a last glance at my old friends before i left. As i followerd him i saw the key for the cage where my friend are, hanging on the belt of his pants. I need to get it and then free my friends, but how? Maybe if i wait until the night time when he falls asleep i can steal the key from him and free them to finally get out of here. But first i have to wait till the night. We arrived in a big room with a lot of soldiers, he went to them and gave them different Tasks in a sternly voice. I was always besides him, because i was scared if i would do something risky or stupid that he would maybe kill me or my friends and i really didn't wanted to take such a high risk. He did some paper work and yelled at the soldiers and was filming himself for the tv until it was finally night. We went to his bedroom and he allowed me to sleep beside his bed on a mattress that a soldier already prepared for me to sleep on. This is my Chance to get the key now i just have to wait until he falls asleep so that i can get the key. I waited until he fell asleep and fortunately he was lying in a good position so that i could easily steal the key from him. I still waited a few minutes and pretented to be asleep so that i could be sure that he is asleep and also thinks that i am sleeping as well. After twenty minutes i began to slowly stand up. Then i made my way to him as slowly and quietly as i could to make as less noice as possible so that he wouldn't wake up.

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