The Nightmare

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Tord's pov

It was getting dark so we slowly went back to their Home. It was actually a really wonderfull day for me if i am being honest. It was nice hanging out with my friends and the other Tord, since i had been in the army it always felt like something was missing in my life and now i finally know that it had been them and the adventures that i was missing all the time. I feel so alive with them, it is like i become a warm feeling around my chest every time i am around them that feels to good to be described into words. We arrived after twenty minutes at their house, but it just felt like five minutes because of all the chatting and all the fun we had together. We went inside the house and Edd said that i could sleep wherever i wanted to, but i eventually decided to just sleep on the Sofa, because i don't wanted to bother them to much since they were already doing so much for me. I said goodnight to everyone and went as soon as i layed down on the sofa to sleep. The next thing i saw was myself sitting in the giant robot and laughted like a maniac, i wanted to stop this madness so badly but it was like i had no control over my body. I shot Rockets around me like at the incident, but this time the neighbors weren't there, only Edd, Matt and Tom were there. But they just stood there frowning at me and standing in front of the house this time all next to each other, even Tom hadn't did anything else than just standing there and frowning at me. Suddenly all the rockets flew to there direction and not only hitted their house this time, it also hitted them all at once and i just sat there and stared at the disaster motionless. After the smoke from the rocket's slowly faded away I could finally see them again. They were all laying on the ground in a puddle of their blood and they weren't even moving a slightly bit....I killed them, but i didn't wanted to kill them. Everything was slowly turning black and started to dissapear around me. It seemed like i was now in a black room or a void. And then i was suddenly falling and heard the voices of my friends while i was falling deeper and deeper into the black nothingness. First i heard Edd ,,But i thought we were friends" then i heard Matt ,,Why did you punched my face" and lastly i heard Tom ,,You are not my friend!". As soon as Tom finished his sentence i hitted the ground but didn't got damaged somehow. I saw them coming slowly out of the dark nothingness, they were coming nearer me until they finally were surronding me. They were now just standing there while saying it's your fault over and over again. Until Tom suddenly turned around and pulled out his harpoon gun out of the nothingness and bursted the harpoon into my chest. The harpoon went right into my chest and i couldn't scream or breath somehow and the pain was truly unbearable. I saw so much blood dripping out from my mouth and my chest as i looked down at me. I then looked up and the last thing i saw were my friend's laughing at me with a big and evil grin on their faces..... Then i woke up. I sat up and was shivering and sweating all around my body. I was breathing heavily and even started to cry because of how horrible and realistic my nightmare was, it was just to much to handle for me. I had a strange feeling in my body and knew exactly what it was....guilt. I felt guilty because of the things that i had done to my friends. I felt like a really horrible person. But i wanted to change to the good for my friend's, i actually would even do everything for them if they would just except me back for that. After a couple of minutes i finally stopped shivering and crying and just sat there staring at a wall. I was so deep in my thoughts that i hadn't even heard Tom that was walking downstairs. ,,Oh, Tord what's up? why aren't you sleeping?" Tom asked concerned. ,,I'm good, i just had a nightmare" I responded calmly. ,,Do you want to tell me about it?" Tom asked now curiously as he went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I shock my head but he still wanted me to tell him about it. I finally gave in and said yes. Tom sat beside me on the sofa and lisent to me closly. I told him everything and liked that Tom was conforting me after i had told him about it. After a time i felt better and it actually really helped me to talk about it with him. It was kinda odd but also good to see how caring and nice Tom can be. ,,It is nice to be called Tord from you. In my dimension you always called me a commie" I told him while chuckling. He was also chuckling now ,,I also called the Tord from my dimension a commie in the past but then we became friends and so i stopped calling him that because he really hated it when i called him that" Tom told me. My smile slowly faded and i letted out a long sigh ,,Are you ok?" Tom asked concerned. ,,Why am i so stupid, i lost you all in my universe because of this stupid mission. I wish i could just go back and enjoy the time with all of you. I wish-" I was cut off by Tom and had now tears in my eye's. ,,Don't be so hard to yourself, it isn't over now, you just need to talk with them and maybe they will forgive you because you are actually a really nice person". I smiled and wiped my tears away. I then thanked Tom and went to sleep again.

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