At the Fair

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Tord's pov

I woke up and thankfully hadn't had any nightmares anymore, maybe it was a good idea to talk with Tom. I rubbed my eyes carefully because of the one that was bandaged and instandly smelled bacon and eggs. It truely is just like old times i thought to myself and chuckled a little at that thought. I stood up and went to the kitchen and saw Edd making eggs and bacon at the stove. I greeted Edd with a smile. ,,Good morning Edd!" I said with a wide smiling ,,Oh, good morning Tord. Have you slept good?" Edd said while looking at me and returned the smile, then looked back at the food at the stove. ,,I had a nightmare, but by the rest of the night i slept good" I responded. ,,A nightmare? That's not good, but at least it is just a dream. So it isn't that bad" Edd said not looking away from the stove this time. His words are so nice and optimistic, he really has a pure heart. ,,You can sit down at the table, the Breakfast is almost ready" he said this time looking at me and then turning around to the stove again. I did what he said and sat down at the table waiting for the breakfast and for the others to come in the kitchen. The others came down after a few minutes and greeted Edd and me. Edd put the food at some plates that were already prepared with silverware at the table and then sat down like the others did. At my right side sat Tom and at my left side sat the other Tord. Beside the other Tord sat Edd, and beside Edd sat Matt. We chated and ate our Breakfast, the breakfast was so delicious, i always loved bacon and i am so glad that Edd made this breakfast for us all like the Edd from my dimension also did before i moved out. After the Breakfast we went to the Mall. Edd bought Cola, Matt bought mirror, Tom bought Smirnoff and the other Tord bought Hentai. They are exactly like my friends from my dimension i can't even see a slightly difference in them. It doesn't even feel like a different dimension to me, well beside the other Tord being here is everything pretty similar. But even this Tord is a hundert percent like me. At the drive back home Tom got yelled at from Edd because he had bought six bottles of Smirnoff. Edd hates to see him buying so much Smirnoff, because he really don't wants to take care of him when he is drunk again. Matt admired himself in the mirror and i read Hentai with the other Tord. We arrived at the house again and sat all together at the sofa now. We watched TV for a while and then started to get hungry, so Edd went into the kitchen and made food for us. Edd suggested to make spare ribs with potatos for us and we all agreed with that. We still watched TV while Edd was cooking and as soon as he had finished cooking he called us, and so we went into the kitchen and sat in the same order as we did when we ate the Breakfast before. The food was already on the table and we began to eat ,,So...." Edd started to say. ,,We have to think of a plan, so that you can go back to your dimension" Edd said while he was looking at me. I didn't wanted to leave so soon, but i  played along like i wanted to go back to my dimension. ,,I thought about this problem and the thing's that you said that happend before you switched the dimensions. You said that the things changed after that explosion from the machine, so maybe that is how you changed the dimension. And if you would do the same thing like last time then you could maybe change back to your dimension through the explosion again" Tom said also looking at me. My eyes widen ,,You could be right, that is a good idea" I said and gave him a smile. Tom is really smart even in the past he was always the smartest student in the class, i personally wouldn't had thought of this as a solution. This could work, but do i really want this to work? I guess not but what should i do now. ,,Ok then let us try this plan tomorrow" I suggested. ,,Awesome, than we can spend more time together. I heard that there is a fair only twenty minutes away. So do you guys want to go after dinner?" Edd asked excited. We all said yes in excitement and went than right after dinner to the fair. It was a beauthifull and huge fair, there were lights everywhere and it smelled so good like cotton candy. We went on different roller coasters, the bumper car ride and even to the ferris wheel. We also played Shooting games and won a few stuffed bears for Matt's novelty toy collection. Lastly we ate cotton candy and watched the fireworks as they exploded in the sky. We then went back to their home and it was pitch black in their house because it was was almost the middle of the night and the lights were of, so we turned the lights on to be able to see something. It was a wonderfull day but i was really tired like the others, so we said good night to each other and went straight to bed. I slept on the sofa again because it is actually really comfort and i didn't wanted to annoy the others to sleep somewhere else. I went to sleep instantly and had this time no nightmares.

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