Chapter 15 - Full of thoughts.

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**Ally's P.O.V.**

It's been a really long time since I hung out with the boys. It was really nice hanging out with them because they had stuck with me through so much. I really appreciated them and everything they did for me. They were more than just guys I had met four years ago, they were family.

'Hey Ally, you okay?' Jaime asked.

Vic and Mike had gotten up to get their food with little Caleb.

'Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking,' I replied.


'You know, how I'm thankful for you guys. All these years, since I first met you until now. You guys are my family and I love you so much,' I said as I began to cry. 'Thanks you so much.'

'Aww, what'd you do to her Jaime?' Vic asked as he set his plate down on the table.

'He didn't do anything. I just got emotional when I was blabbering on about how much I love you guys and how much I appreciate you.'

Vic and Mike nodded and sat down.

Mike wrapped an arm arounnd my shoulder as I layed my head on it and cried.

I really loved these guys a lot.


**Vic's P.O.V.**

It really warmed my heart to see that Ally still cared about me so much, even after all she's been through with Mike. I know she still loves him, but she's also with this Caleb guy.

I know in time she'll make the right choice and pick the guy that she really wants to be with.

In my mind Ally should be with Mike. Now I know he's put her through some pretty rough shit that anyone in their sane mind would not put up with, but he still loves her. And let's face it, Ally and Mike go great together. You can see it when they walk into a roon and even when they're not physically. The love they have for each other is just unbelievable. The way Mike's face just lights up when he sees Ally, or when he talks to her, or even when someone just happens to mentions her name. They belong together.

There's also the situation with this Caleb guy. Ally and him also look great together. Even though I've only seen him a couple of times, I can see that he looks at her with such love. It's not the same way Mike looks at her but I can still tell he loves her.

My point is, I think Ally should be with Mike.


**Mike's P.O.V.**

Dinner has been pretty quiet and I think I know why.

They're thinking about the situation with Ally, and who am I to judge?

I know I've been a monster with her these years but I really love her. I know she probably doesn't love me anymore, but I do. We should be together. She's more than my bestfriend, she's my world.

If she did decide to stay with me, I would start her the way she deserves. I will even accept little Caleb.

Who wouldn't?

I would take him even though he's not mine, I've already come to love him as if he were.

Believe me, I'd do anything to be with her. I'd do anything to make her happy.


[A/N: Super short chapter, I know. but this is just a filler. I just wanted to write this one to prepare you guys for the next one. It'll be longer, I promise. anywho, what did you guys think? do you agree with Vic or do you think Ally should go back and be with Caleb? I would really appreciate if you guys would let me know your opinion. Do not forget to read, comment, vote & fan. Thankyouguyssomuch. c;]

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