Chapter 9: The ultrasound

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"Come on. You need to eat something" he grabbed my hand and lead me to the kitchen.

Elena and Jada were already down there eating. I'd never seen so many people in one room.

There were three girls who resemble Michael very well. Then a bunch of boys that it was like a big blur.

A women walked up to me with a smile plastered on her face. "Hey baby, you must be Tahani. I'm Michael's mother, Katherine" she opened her arms then wrapped then around me.

As a reflex I wrapped mine back around her with a smiled. "Nice to meet you..."

She pulled away, her smile still perfectly placed upon her lips. "Call me Katherine"

"Okay. It was really nice to meet you" I looked back at Michael then back at Katherine.

You'd never think they were mother and son. She's so nice and sweet and he....has no filter.

"You hungry sweetheart? I can make you a plate"

I nodded my head. "Yes, please" she lead me to a seat beside Elena. As she set the food down I started getting nauseous.

I stood up and ran back upstairs to Michael's bathroom. I bent over the sink and violently began to hurl.

Michael and his mother walked in with the look of worry on their faces. Michael held my hair back while his mother rubbed my back.

"It probably be best for you to eat some crackers." She told me leaving the bathroom.

"You okay?" He asked as I stood up wiping my mouth.

"Yeah I'm cool, let's just go to the doctors office" I fixed my clothes and left the room.

Elena, Jada, Michael and I headed off to the house after kathrine gave me some crackers and water.

Michael opened the door for me then got in the front as Jada and Elena got in after.

In no time we were already on our way to the doctors office. I was excited mostly because this is my first ultrasound.

After about ten minutes we finally made it to the doctors office Michael opened the door for us.

The doctor lead us to a room. "The Sonographer will be here in a few moments" she smiled at Michael and I. She began to walk off then turned back around. "Before I go I have to give you your gown. Take your clothes off and put this on"

I took the gown from her and smiled as she walked out of the room. "Turn around" I playfully hit his chest.

"No" he chuckled and leaned back in his seat. "Strip baby" he licked his lips and rubbed his chin.

"I- who the fuck don geeked yo head up, muthafucka" I chuckled then turned around.

I took my shirt off, I reached for my bra strap till I felt a pair of cool ginger tips brush over my back. He unhooked my bra and pulled my pants down along with my panties. The only thing I had was my bra.

(Idk if this how a ultrasound work bitch I'm improvising💀)

I put the hospital gown on then layed down on the hospital bed. Michael locked the door then walked over to my bed.

"What are you doing?" I scrunched my face up and rested myself up with my elbows.

"Shhh just let me work my magic" he licked his lips and leaned down to my womanhood. He lifted up my gown and trailed kisses from my thighs up to my throbbing womanhood.

"M-Michael wait" then there was a knock on the door...

The doctor...

He got up off of his knees, pulled my gown down, then opened the door. The doctor walked in and got right to work.

"If you don't mind following me over to the scale. I'm required to give a regular little check up" he smiled leading me to the scale.

After measuring my weight we went back to the room I was in. He checked my blood pressure and  checked my reflexes.

"This might be a little cold" he told me putting his hand in my gown placing the end of the stethoscope on my chest.

Michael shifted in his seat and cleared his throat. I smirked and rolled my eyes. He checked my lungs then had me lay back to check my stomach. Very lightly he pressed around my stomach then looked at me with straight forward eyes.

"Could you open your gown for me and fold your hands behind your back"

I nodded my head and awkwardly opened my gown and put my hands behind my back. The doctor, using the pads of his fingers, pressed around my boobs and around my armpits.

"No lumps, that's good. You can go ahead and put your hands down"

The doctor turned around and out of the corner of my eye I seen Michael glare at him. I giggled a bit, but immediately cut my little laughter off.

The doctor turned back around with a wond type thing in his hand and a tube of the ultrasound gel.

He spreads the cool gel all around my abdomen then rubbed the wond around to check for the baby.

"Oh...that's quite interesting" he looked at us smiling.

It was hard to see what he was seeing, but last time I checked a baby didn't have two heads. "Umm...why does our baby have two heads?" I chuckled.

"That's because it's not one's two" he smiled which caused me to smile back even though I was a bit scared.

Michael had a small tear in his eye. He grabbed my hand and kept looking at the screen with loving eyes.

For that short moment I was in love. I fell in love all over again, kinda stupid...i know.

The doctor took both of our hands and helped us guide it around my stomach.

Michael had finally let his tear go, he's so stubborn sometimes. I wiped it away as one fell from my eye.

The doctor wiped the gell off of my abdomen and turned the lights back on. "You can get dressed. I'll be back with you sonagraph photos" he left the room and shut the door.

I stepped down from the bed and began to get dressed. When I was done putting my clothes on Michael wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry" he sniffled digging his face in the crook of my neck. "I'm sorry for being an asshole, but if you just give me one last try I can prove to you that I'm man enough to be yours...and a father"

"You can have a second chance, but that doesn't mean we can do freaky..stuff to eachother. Let's take it slow first"

"I don't care just as long as I get you back I'm fine" he grabbed my hand and smiled.

I smiled back and held on to his hand. The doctor walked back in with our sonographer photos. He put them in his wallet and we walked out of the doctors room.

Jada dropped me and Michael off at my house. The front door busted open with my dads face appearing in it.

"Get in the house young lady" he opened the door wider for me to walk in.

Michael walked to his car and left to go back to his house....

To be continued....

𝘕𝘰𝘸 & 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘯         ~Michael Jackson fantasy~Where stories live. Discover now