Chapter 16: Babygirl's

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When we entered the hotel room the girls were still sleeping. We took them out of their car seats and laid them on the bed.

"They're so beautiful" he said admiring them. He stared at them for a split second until I interrupted his thoughts.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the balcony. "I should have followed you" he said staring out at the glowing city.

All the lights that were on, just gave the city a special type of beauty. I couldn't stop staing at the lit city.

"No, God had you right where he wanted you. You would have gotten in the way of your success. You can't delay your success for me, or anyone else" I turned to him with sincere eyes.

"I guess, but it costed me two years of my daughters lives. And look where my absence got you guys. Nearly on the streets" he gritted his teeth.

"God had us the whole time, Michael. He needed to use you and I don't blame you for staying." I sighed chuckling a bit.

"I hear you, Tee, but I still can't seem to cope with my absence, it's hard for me to think about. No matter what, you guys are my family. I had a job, and that was to provide. And I failed to do that" I seen a tear twinkle in his eye, under the moonlight.

I nodded my head and looked down. "I never stopped loving you for your decision" he told me pushing a few strands of my hair behind my ear.

I placed my hand on his and smiled lightly. "And I never stopped loving you"

He leaned in to kiss me, I stood frozen. I pulled my head back before he could kiss me and sighed taking his hand off of my face.

"I'm sorry, Michael, but I don't really need to be in a relationship right now. I've got a lot on my mind."

He nodded and looked back out into the night. "I had a feeling. I gave it a shot at least" he chuckled.

"I'm sorry, Michael" I left the balcony and watched the girls as they slept.

"I'd like to take them to Neverland sometimes" he told me rubbing their backs.

I nodded and folded my hands behind my back. "Of course. Just one day when you do, I want you to keep them safe"

"I'll guard them till the day I day. Trust me I'd never let anyone or anything hurt them"

I smiled and laid down on India's side. Michael layed on Asia's side, but for some reason we locked eyes.

The eye contact was kept for some time. It was something that I was craving for a while.

It's like I needed his gaze, but at the same time it was tearing me up inside. I felt...guilty.

Technically I'm the one who left, with both out our children. That day we were both being selfish.

We were messing up two lives without knowing it. Instead of doing what was good for the babies, we were think about our selves.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Michael got up to answer it.

He looked back at me then stepped into the hallway. He was out there for a while which kinda scared me.

I got up and looked in the hallway, but they were nowhere to be found. I stepped back into the hotel room and decided to wait.

Until that wait ended up being two hours. He can back with a bloody nose, his arm looked out of place, his left eye was swollen, and he had a limp.

I rushed to his side with worry writen all ove my face. I was scared and my heart was beating out of my chest.

"What the hell!" I whisper yelled. "Who did this?! Michael are you okay?" I asked pulling him to the bathroom.

I got a wash rag and wet it with cold water then wiped the blood from his nose.

"The knock on the door was someone dressed up as a hotel worker. He said someone was waiting for me in the lobby and that it was urgent. So I went down to the lobby with him. Well that where I thought I was going. He led me to a dark alley. There were five guys waiting for me and they just started attacking me"

"What?! What was their motive, you don't even do anything!" My voice grew just a bit louder.

I looked back at the girls and huffed calming myself. "One of em said something that stuck out to me the most. "Let this be a warning, we're coming back for her. Either she comes back or next time we get you, you won't be able to walk out alive"

"Of course. boss. I told you he wouldn't let me leave. You know how many times I screwed up and he's failed to fire me even though he threatened to do that multiple times. He doesn't actually let us leave" I sighed dabbing the wet towel on the little cut above his eyebrow.

"I don't care how many beatings I have to go through. I refuse to let you go back there. I'll take a million beatings before I let you go back there." he wiped the dripping blood from his mouth off with his sleeve and nodded.

"I have to, Michael. They'll kill you. I cant risk that" I whimpered avoiding his eye contact.

He grabbed my chin making me look at him. "You're not going back, I'm here" he assured.

I looked away as a tear fell from my eye. "I won't go back, but only if you promise you'll never go somewhere alone without one of your body guards."

"I promise..."

To be continued.....

Sorry this took so long yo update. I was just working on my new book "in my hood" and I didn't really have an idea for this chapter. Sorry if it's not that good😭

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