Chapter 1

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"Wakey wakey" i shouted, whilst jumping on Anna's bed trying to wake her up, she is always late for college so i made a deal with her, she makes the food as long as i wake her up for college. i just finished college and i am now working as a photographer at fashion shoots, i love my job and hopefully i will be doing it full time, but for now i work half time, but it means i get more free time so that's okay.

its eight o'clock and i leave for work at this time so i always wake her up just before i leave. during my thoughts i was interrupted by Anna shouting.

" i said wake me up, not reenact a flipping earthquake" i started laughing at her moodiness, i replied.

" well you shouldn't be so lazy... oh crap i gotta go.. see you!" i ran out the door running to work, because i live in London, i literally live down the road from where i work.

i got inside the building and went into the elevator that takes me up to the shoot, the music started playing i instinctively went 'Uchhh....Why?' because who else but one direction, what makes you pretty or beautiful whatever it is, it shouldn't be played in an elevator. i arrived on the floor of the photo shoot and sat on the counter when Marie, the other photographers assistant came in and started making a coffee, she was completely different to me she had short blond hair, skinny, pale skin, and she wore dresses like all the time, where as i had long brown hair, blue eyes, lightly tanned skin and i wasn't skinny and wasn't huge so i guess I'm average, normal weight. she started taking to me about one direction because she knows i hate them. i was putting my hands over my ears and saying bla bla bla continuously, we both broke out in laughter and we walked by Lillian, who is the famous photographer and my boss, usually bosses are really mean but Lillian is so lovely and nice.

apparently we have a really great week because someone has booked for the whole week, and im getting a raise YAY. i was setting up Lillians Camera on her stand and setting the right settings, so everything will be ready, when the clients get here.

i finished what i needed to do so whilst we were waiting i went onto the computer to sort out my portfolio, i save all the photos that i take in a separate file so if i get offered another job i can show them my work, i love sorting out the files because i get to look at all of the photos i have done, and seeing the progress i make in the pictures. we had all been waiting until finally the clients arrived, i went into the kitchen and put on the kettle, if there going to be late they can wait for me. i smiled at my cheekiness and walked back into the shoot, Lillian was already taken photos, i walked next to her and watched as these five boys were messing about, i could see Lillian was getting annoyed so i whispered to her.

"do you want me to sort them out for you Lill?" she laughed and nodded, so i walked in front of the camera and waited until they stopped. they just kept mucking about so i said.

" Look i dint know who you guys think you are but if your going to waste our time just leave already" they all looked up at me shocked, i then thought about what i said and felt embarrassed what if they do leave, were going to loose alot of money, but the curly haired boy stood up and said.

"what... you don't know who we are?" i racked my brain trying to think who they were, i mean yes they do seem familiar but i don't know who they are, i could feel my cheekiness coming free.

" Should i know who you are?" i said to him, the boys behind him started laughing as he went bright red, they all stood in a line and said each of there names.

"Liam,Harry,Zayn,Niall,Louis" the names sound so familiar, then they said all together.

"And were one direction" i was smiling then it turned into a frown and i said.

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